60 3 Properties of Dislocations
x =
(E sin β − E
cos β)
y =
(E cos β − E
sin β). (3.41)
For isotropic elasticity, the shape of the dislocation with its Burgers vector
parallel to x is an ellipsis with the major half axis E
/(τb)inx direction
(β =90
) and the minor half axis (1 − ν)E
/(τb) perpendicular to it.
Comparing the shape of dislocations under load with the theoretical shape
offers the opportunity to determine the stress acting locally on the bowed-out
dislocation segments. The first measurement of this kind was performed in [99]
by fitting circles to the electron micrographs of dislocations pinned under load
by neutron irradiation in order to determine the local radius of curvature. The
sizes of calculated shapes of dislocation loops under stress were matched to
long dislocation segments in [100] and elsewhere. Using this method, micro-
graphs of in situ straining experiments were studied in detail in [101, 102],
where the statistical data of pinned dislocations were also determined. All
these methods depended on a visual comparison between the micrographs
and the calculated dislocation shapes so that they are of subjective nature.
The first attempt of a measurement independent of the observer was made
in [103] employing an image analyzer and curve fitting techniques, analyzing,
however, only a few segments. In [104], a photometer head was moved by hand
over the micrographs projected in a high magnification, always in radial direc-
tion to find points of equal brightness in both flanks of the contrast profile
of the dislocations. An example is shown in Fig. 3.19. The midpoint between
both points of the pairs was taken as the locus of the dislocation. This method
yields a constant accuracy independent of the orientation of the dislocation
in contrast to simply scanning the micrographs. The local radius of curvature
can be determined by polynomial regression analysis of second order over a
short segment. The center of this segment is then shifted along the dislocation
line to obtain the dependence of the radius of curvature on the orientation
In order to determine the locally acting stress from the dislocation curva-
ture, the line tension data are necessary. While the elastic constants are usually
known very precisely, the logarithmic factor of the dislocation energy (e.g., in
(3.15)) and thus of the line tension depends on the dislocation configuration.
Hirth and Lothe [12] calculated the logarithmic factor of the dislocation energy
for some configurations by the method of piecewise straight dislocation seg-
ments. It turns out that if the self-stress of those parts of the dislocation
adjoining the segment under consideration are taken into account, the outer
cut-off radius has to be replaced by a length parameter l of the dislocation
configuration. The logarithmic factor can be written as
+ C
. (3.42)