82 4 Dislocation Motion
[130] omitting this problem. The maximum of the derivative of W (x)with
respect to the position x of the dislocation yields the stress necessary to move
the dislocation over the potential barrier
1 − ν
exp −
b(1 − ν)
. (4.19)
This is the Peierls–Nabarro stress or shortly Peierls stress to move a
straight dislocation lying in a Peierls valley only by mechanical stress, that
is, at very low temperatures. For d ≈ b, it is in the range of 10
that means in the range of the real shear strengths of materials. The lattice
resistance is controlled by the structure of the dislocation cores. Therefore,
the Peierls–Nabarro model is too coarse for detailed predictions of the flow
stress of crystals. Similar to the theoretical yield stress of perfect crystals in
Sect. 1.1, the Peierls stress is small for small Burgers vectors b and large dis-
tances d between the lattice planes. According to the experimental results,
the Peierls stress is small for close-packed structures like f.c.c. metals, where
it does not play a role except at low temperatures. It is high for materials
with directional bonds like the covalent semiconductor and ceramic crystals,
which become plastic only at high temperatures. The b.c.c. metals show an
intermediate behavior.
The Peierls–Nabarro model is refined in many ways: by relaxing the severe
assumptions made and by using more realistic potentials than the sinusoidal
one (e.g. [131]). More detailed information on the dislocation core configura-
tions and energies as well as the Peierls stress can be obtained from atomistic
calculations. The crystal is divided into an outer zone, which is treated by
continuum elasticity theory and a core region where the interactions between
the atoms are calculated discretely. The positions that are first determined by
the elastic solution are then varied to find the equilibrium configurations. The
results of these calculations depend very sensitively on the chosen interaction
potentials between the atoms. The situation is comparatively simple in ionic
crystals with Coulomb attraction, Born–Mayer repulsion, and van-der-Waals
potentials. Early calculations of this kind were made in [132] for NaCl and
in [133] for MgO. For metallic materials, the semi-empirical embedded-atom
method (EAM) is quite successful (for a review see [134]). In recent studies
of dislocation cores and the Peierls stress, details of the dislocation behavior
were interpreted, for example, for intermetallic alloys [135] or on the influence
of shear stresses in more than one slip plane and of nonglide stresses in b.c.c.
Mo [136]. In a model cubic primitive lattice, the Peierls stress was calculated
by molecular dynamics simulation [137]. Applying a sinusoidal interaction
between the atoms, the Peierls potential also turns out to be close to sinu-
soidal, as assumed in most continuum models. As a general result of the
atomistic calculations, it may be stated that the effective core radius intro-
duced in Sect. 3.2.2, which is chosen to include the core energy within the
elastic solution, is slightly less than 0.5b in ionic crystals, and 0.5b toafewb
in metals.