18 2 Experimental Methods
The stress pulses are usually applied in the bending geometry either in
4-point (e.g., [19]) or 3-point bending (e.g., [20]). Four-point bending has the
advantage of an equal stress distribution within the inner span of the bending
jig and of the opportunity to use both the tension and compression faces
to study a tension–compression asymmetry. In 3-point bending, the bending
moment decreases from the center outwards so that, with several scratches or
indents, the stress dependence of the dislocation velocity can be studied over a
certain range on a single specimen. As the plastic strains are small during the
experiment, the shear stresses are calculated from the bending load applying
common elasticity theory.
The duration of the stress pulses is chosen such that the displacements
range between a few micrometers and about one hundred micrometers, which
can easily be observed by the etching techniques. This requires, depending on
the stress, durations between days and 10
s to reach dislocation velocities
between 10
and 10
. These pulses are produced by materials testing
machines down to seconds or fractions of a second, by magnetic systems similar
to loudspeaker drives down to the millisecond range, and by impact loading
for shorter times.
In the best case, the starting and final positions of a dislocation can indi-
vidually be coordinated as in Fig. 2.4. When the dislocations move out of a
scratch or an indent, this is frequently not possible. Individual dislocations
may multiply on their way, or a source may emit many dislocations moving on
the same or neighboring planes. As a consequence, the leading (head) disloca-
tion moves under the action of not only the applied stress but also the internal
stress field of the other dislocations moving behind. Thus, its velocity will be
higher than that of an isolated single dislocation. This effect is discussed in
Sect. 5.2.2, also showing that the behavior of groups of dislocations cannot
unambiguously be extended to that of individual dislocations.
In spite of some limitations of the etching method, a considerable bulk of
data has been measured by this technique. Almost all data available at that
time have been reviewed by Nadgornyi [10].
2.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is the most powerful method for
studying the mechanisms of dislocation motion. In TEM, different modes of
imaging are possible, depending on the number of diffracted beams contribut-
ing to the formation of the image. Each diffracted beam originates from the
reflection of electrons at a set of lattice planes. In high-resolution electron
microscopy, many reflected beams contribute to the image formation. Accord-
ingly, individual atom columns can be resolved if the resolving power of the
electron microscope is sufficient. A respective micrograph of a dislocation was
shown in Fig. 1.3. Many processes controlling dislocation dynamics do not
only occur on the atomic level but also on a scale between some nanometers