254 7 Ceramic Single Crystals
cubic matrix (partially stabilized zirconia, PSZ). The diffusion-controlled pre-
cipitation reaction proceeds very slowly owing to the sluggish cation diffusion
requiring long times to attain the equilibrium concentration of the precip-
itated tetragonal phase. A variety of microstructures may form depending
on the yttria concentration, annealing temperature, and duration [430]. The
diffusive transformation cannot take place during quenching from the cubic
phase field. The crystals then undergo a displacive phase transformation to a
metastable tetragonal material of uniform yttria concentration, the so-called
tetragonal polydomain zirconia or t
As cubic zirconia may constitute the matrix of the two-phase materials,
its deformation behavior forms the basis of the understanding also of the
deformation of the more complex materials. The Burgers vectors in c-ZrO
are of type 1/2110 with slip on the easy {100} planes. Most experiments
are carried out along a soft 211 loading axis favoring single slip on one
cube system with an orientation factor of m
=0.47. At high temperatures,
{110} and {111} planes may be activated as secondary planes with orientation
factors of 0.5 and 0.41. These planes are also activated if cube slip is suppressed
by a hard 100 deformation axis.
7.3.2 Microscopic Observations in Cubic ZrO
Zirconia single crystals are brittle at low temperatures. The lowest temper-
atures where plastic deformation of cubic zirconia with 10 mol% yttria in
compression in the soft orientation was successful is 400
C under usual defor-
mation conditions [213], and 250
C under confining hydrostatic pressure [214].
All figures and data following refer to this material if not stated otherwise. As
shown in Fig. 7.25 for 500
C, slip is localized in narrow slip bands consisting
mainly of screw dislocations pinned at localized obstacles. Most obstacles are
supposed to be small precipitates, probably containing nitrogen [431]. The
obstacle distances l are of the order of magnitude of 0.1 μm and decrease with
decreasing temperature and thus with increasing effective stress, but they do
not fulfil the Friedel relation (4.54), probably because of a different obstacle
spectrum at different temperatures and because of the presence of many jogs
marked J, trailing dislocation debris. Similar dislocation structures are found
also at 700
C as presented in Fig. 7.26, where the TEM foil was cut parallel
to the primary slip plane.
At higher temperatures, the localized obstacles are no longer active . The
dislocation structure is quite homogeneous. The dislocations being pinned by
jogs in their screw components bow out to larger arcs as demonstrated in
Fig. 7.27 for 1,000
C. Stereo pairs reveal that the dislocations are arranged
not solely on cube planes and that the cross slip planes probably are {111}
planes [432]. In addition, many dislocation loops are present.
In the same temperature range, also in situ straining experiments in an
HVEM were successful [282]. As shown in Fig. 7.28, the dislocation structures
consist of long edge dislocations and screw dislocations pinned by jogs in the