7.2 Magnesium Oxide 249
obstacle strength may be of the order of magnitude of τ
≈ 3 τ
≈ 66 MPa.
This is a high strength suggesting that the precipitation hardening mechanism
acts also at temperatures below room temperature. Thus, there is probably a
very wide range of the simultaneous action of both the Peierls mechanism and
localized obstacles. There is some disagreement between the obstacle strength
data from the macroscopic measurements and from the in situ experiments.
The data of the latter are considerably higher. This may only partly be due
to the radiation hardening observed during the in situ experiments.
In [218, 416], the dislocations were observed to move in pairs owing to
coupling by the APBs. In Sect. 8.1.3, this mechanism will be described for
alloys containing precipitates of intermetallic phases. But in the present MgO
crystals with small precipitates it does not act.
At temperatures between about 800 and 1,600 K, the yield stress remains
constant at τ
= 20 MPa. It can be explained by long-range dislocation inter-
actions. In Sect. 7.2.1, the internal stress component was estimated to amount
to τ
= 23 MPa, well agreeing with the measured yield stress. Above about
1,600 K, the yield stress may drop to lower values owing to the onset of
diffusion-controlled recovery. This process will be described in the section
about zirconia.
7.2.6 Dislocations in the Plastic Zone of a Crack
In a perfectly elastic solid, fracture occurs when the stress at the crack tip
reaches the theoretical cohesive stress [417, 418]. By analogy with the theo-
retical shear stress in Sect. 1.1, the latter is estimated to σ
≈ E/10, with E
being Young’s modulus. The flow stress of most of the crystalline materials,
however, is essentially lower than this value so that plastic flow is expected
to occur in the region of the highest stress concentration ahead of the crack.
This localized plastic flow increases the resistance of the material to unstable
fracture [419, 420] and the crack propagation is essentially determined by the
size, the structure, and the internal stress distribution of the plastic zone.
During one straining experiment inside an HVEM on an MgO single crys-
tal, the stable growth of a crack on a cube face had been observed in situ
[408]. In the stress field of the crack, a plastic zone developed with increasing
size and dislocation density. An intermediate state is presented in Fig. 7.22.
In front of the crack, the plastic zone is elongated with the dislocation density
decreasing continuously with increasing distance from the crack tip.
Under the tensile load in the in situ stage along the [010] axis, the crack
with its tip along [001] extended on a (010) plane. The tensile stress σ
of the
stress field of the crack activated the (011)[01
1] and (01
1)[011] slip systems.
The respective dislocations bowed out under the stress. By measuring the
curvature of the bowed segments using (7.3) of Sect. 7.2.2, the dislocations
may serve as a probe to determine the spatial distribution of the stress around
the crack. As a measure of the stresses, the quantity S (ln (l/r
taken. The curvatures and segment lengths l were measured on the individual