5.3 Plastic Instabilities 197
in the opposite direction. Similarly, the instability ranges and the shape of
the serrations depend on the temperature. The latter is demonstrated in the
stress-time records of Fig. 5.31. Figure 5.31a taken at 860
C is characteristic
also of higher temperatures. First, the stress increases linearly, with the slope
equalling that of the elastic line as measured during unloading, for instance.
The elastic slope is indicated by the straight line. Thus, the loading takes place
as purely elastic deformation. When a certain stress level is reached, plastic
deformation sets in at a high rate with an abruptly decreasing load. At lower
temperatures, plastic deformation does not start at a very high rate so that the
unloading parts of the load-time curve get curved similarly to those of stress
relaxations, as shown in Fig. 5.31b for 800
C. At an even lower temperature
in Fig. 5.31c, also the loading parts become rounded at their tips, which indi-
cates plastic deformation even during loading. In general, instability ranges
can be described in a plot of strain rate vs. temperature where instabilities
occur in limited regions.
Plastic instabilities are systematically classified in [345], according to which
they may occur by strain softening, by a negative strain rate sensitivity
(strain rate softening instabilities), or by localized heating (thermomechanical
instabilities). Strain softening may occur, for example, when the moving dislo-
cations destroy ordered states in alloys. Strain rate softening instabilities are
frequently connected with the Portevin–LeChatelier (PLC) effect [346, 347]
due to dynamic strain ageing described in Sect. 4.11. Thermomechanical insta-
bilities result from a reduction of the flow stress owing to local heating in slip
bands at low temperatures.
Plastic instabilities are discussed theoretically at different degrees of
sophistication. Early linear stability analyses of a constitutive model of plas-
tic flow by Kubin and Estrin [345, 348–350] have been extended by including
transient effects, as reviewed by Zaiser and H¨ahner [351], as well as by the
evolution of the mobile and forest dislocation densities [352]. According to
[351], a change in the flow stress can be written as
dσ = Θdε + rdln ˙ε +dσ
, (5.21)
where Θ is the work hardening coefficient and dσ
is a change in the flow stress
due to the relaxation of an internal parameter φ which, after a change in the
deformation conditions, attains a new quasi-steady state value after a charac-
teristic time t
. Including dσ
takes into account the transient effects observed
experimentally after changing the deformation conditions as described in
Sect. 2.1, for example, the difference between the instantaneous and steady
state stress increments Δσ
and Δσ
in strain rate cycling tests, or the dif-
ference between an original and a repeated stress relaxation. With a linear
approximation of the relaxation process, a linear stability analysis yields the
condition for unstable deformation [351]
− r
˙ε (Θ − σ)
. (5.22)