5.1 Dislocation Kinetics 161
If the jogs are not high enough to fulfil the dipole opening criterion, dis-
location dipoles are trailed by the moving dislocation as outlined in Fig. 5.5d.
The dipoles can be terminated by conservative motion of the jogs away from
the dipoles. The dislocation dipoles formed during the motion of screw disloca-
tions are also called dislocation debris. The accumulation of the debris during
plastic deformation hardens the crystals. After the flow stress has increased,
originally stable dipoles can fulfil the dipole opening criterion and open to
form new dislocation loops.
Experimental values of the frequency of multiplication events can be
concluded from the statistical data on cross slip processes in NaCl single
crystals. The frequency distribution H(h) of the cross slip heights h was given
in Sect. 4.3 (Fig. 4.10). Only those cross slip events with h>h
are rele-
vant for multiplication. The latter fraction of the total cross slip density D
(Fig. 4.11) determines the density of cross slip events with sufficient height for
a multiplication
= DΔh
H(h) .
Δh =0.053 μm is the width of the columns in Fig. 4.10. Using (3.27) and the
corresponding data of NaCl single crystals, μ =18GPa,b =3.96 × 10
the flow stress τ =1MPa,andν =0.3, the critical cross slip height for mul-
tiplication becomes h
=0.4 μm. The total density of cross slip events along
the path of the moving dislocation is D =38mm
. The tail of the histogram
with h>h
(Δh times the sum) corresponds to a fraction of 0.022. Thus,
, or a dislocation has to travel an average distance of about
1.2 mm before a multiplication occurs. This large distance is in accordance
with the very long slip lines of individual dislocations on the NaCl single crys-
tals. As all parameters involved, that is, the frequency distribution of cross
slip heights H(h), the critical height for multiplication h
, and the total den-
sity of cross slip events D, depend on the stress, the multiplication rate may
be assumed to be proportional to the stress as supposed below.
and h
are well below the foil thickness of about 500 nm in an HVEM
in situ experiment, so that the mechanisms of dislocation generation can well
be observed. The intermediate configuration of stage (c) is often metastable.
It is characterized by the highlighted α-like configuration in Fig. 5.5c, which
is frequently observed in dislocation structures under stress. The double-cross
slip mechanism usually emits only a single new dislocation loop. As the gen-
erated dislocation moves on a plane parallel to the original one, slip may
spread leading to the width of the slip bands to grow, which is in contrast
to the Frank–Read source, which emits many dislocations on the same or a
neighboring plane.
Cross slip events occur during the motion of dislocations. Accordingly, the
increase in the dislocation density d
should be proportional to the area dA
swept by all dislocations as suggested in [277]. Considering the dependence of
the creation rate of dislocations on the stress, discussed above, the creation