c03 JWPR067-Mench December 18, 2007 1:59 Char Count=
3.1 Physical Nature of Thermodynamic Variables 71
Here, E is energy,
Q is the rate of heat transfer across the control surface and is positive for
heat added to the system, and
W is the rate of work across the control surface and is positive
for work done by the system on the surroundings. The final two terms on the right-hand
side of Eq. (3.9) represent the flux of energy into and out of the control volume in the form
of enthalpy, kinetic energy, and potential energy carried by mass flux across the control
surfaces. In order to cross into and out of the control surface, some flow work is done on the
control volume (at the entrance) and on the environment (at the exit). For a compressible
substance, this total flow energy is represented as
u + P ¯v
Internal energy Flow work
For an ideal gas, we can also show that
h =
u + R
T (3.11)
Constant-Pressure Specific Heat (c
) The constant-pressure specific heat is defined as
the rate of change of enthalpy with temperature at constant pressure:
(T , P) ≡
Constant-Volume Specific Heat (c
) The constant-volume specific heat is defined as the
rate of change of internal energy with temperature at constant volume:
(T , P) ≡
The specific heats are a measure of the capacity for the internal energy storage, which can
change with temperature. As the temperature changes, different rotational and vibrational
modes of energy storage become active, and the specific heat values can change. For
the same energy input to two substances, the substance with the larger specific heat will
have a lower increase in temperature, since it has a relatively high capacity for thermal
energy storage in other modes besides translational velocity. Figure 3.6 shows the constant-
pressure specific heats of a variety of gas-phase species as a function of temperature. Note
the temperature independence of the monotomic species which can only store internal
energy as translational and interatomic forces. As the molecular complexity increases (i.e.,
more bonds), the capacity to store energy increases, and the specific heat is generally
higher. As the temperature is increased, more vibrational and rotational modes become
active, increasing the specific heat to a limit, where all energy storage modes are fully
occupied or the molecule disassociates into smaller fragments.
Gas-Phase Specific Heat The specific heat of an ideal gas is solely a function of tem-
perature, and even nonideal gases have an insignificant dependence on pressure. For most
cases involving fuel cells except hydrogen storage, the conditions are such that an ideal gas