General solution.
We may now use this analysis to explore the behavior of
turbine stages. The results will be more easily understood if, before proceeding,
we circumscribe the results by means of three useful generalizations.
First, we must consider two different types of stages, namely those having
either choked or unchoked stators. The former are required as the entrance stages
for every turbine and will be represented in our computations by an M2 of 1.1.
The latter are required for all other turbine stages and will be represented in our
computations by an M2 of 0.9. Other supersonic or subsonic stator Mach numbers
should be selected and evaluated by the reader.
Second, higher values of
always improve stage performance, provided that
some margin to avoid rotor choking is provided. The reader should also inde-
pendently confirm this assertion. Consequently, M3R is set equal to the highest
practical value of 0.9 in our computations.
Third, the analysis lends itself well to the intuitively appealing examination
of the variation of turbine stage properties for the expected ranges of ~2 and ~.
The open literature strongly suggests that the best performance is obtained when
60 deg < oe2 < 75 deg (for example, Ref. 11, Sec. 9.5). The open literature also
concludes that larger values of f2 are better, the upper limit being presently in the
range 0.2 < g2 < 0.3. The ensuing computations will justify these observations. The
computations use ~,'t = 1.30 and
gcCpt =
7378 ft2/(s2-°R), although the equations
are formulated to allow you to choose any desired values.
General results.
The results of the computations are presented in Figs. 8.8-
8.13. Their contents, and the corresponding consequences, will now be described
in turn. To avoid unnecessary repetition and give the primary conclusion the em-
phasis it deserves, we begin by noting that
measure of aerodynamic and
(~,~ / ~,,
' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ....
M3R = 0.9
.~ 7, = 1.3
_ f2 = 0.2
M 2 =1.1 --
, , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , i
65 70 75
1~2 (o)
Fig. 8.8 Stage total temperature ratio.