rise of 275.7°F for the fan will require either three or four stages. The change in total
temperature for each stage is constant for the repeating stage, repeating row, mean-
line design [see. Eq. (8.11)]. Assuming three stages, a total temperature increase
of 91.9°F is required in each stage, and the required first stage total pressure ratio
obtained from Eq. (4.9a-CPG) is
×,.e~ (557.5 + 91.9) 3"5×°'89
:rs = (rs) ×,-1 \ 557.5 J = (1.1648) 3115 1.6083
If we assume a stage inlet Mach number M1 = 0.6, a diffusion factor D = 0.5,
a solidity a ---- 1.0, and a polytropic efficiency
ef =
Fig. 8.2a shows that an
excessively large inlet flow angle oq > 70 deg is required. To obtain the required
stage temperature rise and keep the size of inlet flow angle al reasonable, increases
will be needed in the diffusion factor D, the solidity a, and/or inlet stage Mach
number MI.
We therefore calculated the temperature rise per stage over a range of inlet flow
angles al, diffusion factor D, and solidity a for assumed values of inlet stage Mach
number M1 and polytropic efficiency
and summarized the important results in
Table 8.El. They were obtained using Eqs. (8.6-8.17). (The same results can be
obtained using the COMPR program.) Note that a mean-line design with a stage
inlet Mach number Ml = 0.6, a diffusion factor D = 0.55, a solidity a = 1.1,
polytropic efficiency ef of 0.89 (see Table 8.El), and an inlet flow angle oq =
30 deg has a temperature rise of 92.6°E This would allow the fan to be designed
with three stages. Similar results are obtained for inlet flow angles oq = 40 deg
and solidity a = 1.0 but at a higher mean rotor speed
which would make the
structural design more difficult.
8.3. 1.3 Aerodynamic definition.
Consequently, the three-stage fan design
is based on the analysis of Sec. 8.2.1 and the following assumptions: D = 0.55
(see Fig. 8.26); M~ ---- 0.6 (first stage choice to increase stage temperature rise);
a = 1.1 (allows higher rs and zrs, see Fig. 8.2c); and
---- 0.89 (used in all cycle
Table 8.El Summary of repeating stage, repeating row, mean-line design
properties (M1 = 0.6,
ec =
0.89, and
Tt~ =
D a Ofl, deg a2, deg r, AT,, °F zr,
COrm/Vi COrm,
0.50 1.0 30 51.79 1.1290 71.9 1.4591 1.6000 1073 0.840
0.50 1.0 40 57.67 1.1413 78.8 1.5093 1.8532 1243 0.859
0.55 1.0 30 53.76 1.1539 85.8 1.5621 1.6815 1128 0.879
0.55 1.0 40 59.32 1.1685 93.9 1.6244 1.9342 1297 0.901
0.50 1.1 30 52.59 1.1386 77.3 1.4982 1.6321 1095 0.855
0.50 1.1 40 58.29 1.1510 84.2 1.5495 1.8825 1263 0.875
0.55 1.1 30 54.62 1.1661 92.6 1.6141 1.7194 1153 0.897
0.55 1.1 40 59.99 1.1808 100.8 1.6783 1.9693 1321 0.919