784 VId. Applications: Simulation of Thermofluid Systems
VId. Simulation of Thermofluid Systems
In this chapter we study the response of such systems as reactor coolant pump
(RCP), pressurizer, steam generator, containment, and the reactor coolant system
(RCS) of a PWR to imposed transients. We begin by introducing some pertinent
terms used in computer simulation and analysis of reactor thermal hydraulics.
1. Definition of Terms
Mathematical model refers to the application of the fundamental and constitu-
tive equations to represent a physical phenomenon.
Computational cell is a control volume for which the physical phenomena are
considered and mathematical models are developed. Since single-phase or two-
phase fluid may flow through a computational cell, we need to identify the number
of unknowns and set up a number of equations. For single-phase flow in a cell,
there are five unknowns namely, P, T, V
, V
, and V
. There are also five equa-
tions, conservation equation of mass, conservation equation of energy, and three
conservation equations of momentum.
For two-phase flow through the cell, there are ten unknowns namely, P, T
, T
, (V
, (V
, (V
, (V
, (V
, and void fraction (
). Similarly, there are also
ten equations consisting of two conservation equations of mass, two conservation
equation of energy, and six conservation equations of momentum. Other un-
knowns are found from constitutive equations.
Node is the same as a computational cell. For the flow of water in a pipe, for
example, we may divide the length L of the pipe into N sections. Therefore, the
pipe now consists of N nodes, each having a length of l = L/N. For single-phase
flow through the node, one pressure and one temperature would represent the en-
tire node regardless of its size. Therefore, the higher the number of the nodes, the
higher the amount of information obtained for the nodalized system. Pressure is
generally calculated at the center of the node.
Node constituents in general may include several fluid fields such as continu-
ous liquid, mixture of steam and gas, liquid droplets, and ice. The number of un-
knowns and equations increases with increasing number of the cell constituents.
For example, if a cell contains liquid, steam, ice, drops, and 10 different non-
condensable gases, there are as many as fourteen conservation equations of mass.
Nodalization. To determine the state parameters in a system, such as the pri-
mary side of a PWR, the system is broken down into several nodes. The process
is generally referred to as nodalization. Figure VId.1.1 shows a section of a sys-
tem, such as a hot leg, which is divided into N nodes with 1 ≤ k ≤ N.
Control volume for mass and energy is shown in Figure VId.1.1(a). In this
figure, nodes shown by k –1, k, and k + 1 represent three sequential control vol-
umes for calculation of mass and energy.