976 VIIe. Engineering Mathematics: Numerical Analysis
VIIe. Numerical Analysis
In Chapter VIIIb, we studied analytical solutions of differential equations in
closed form. Despite all the advantages associated with analytical solutions, we
frequently have to resort to numerical solutions. This is due to the inability of
analytical methods to deal with the involved complexities in dealing with many
engineering problems. The primary advantage of analytical solutions is to provide
exact answers in functional relationships. The latter makes analytical solutions
independent of any specific problem to be analyzed. Numerical solutions, on the
other hand, are problem dependent. For example, any change in a boundary con-
dition requires the entire problem to be recalculated. Another key difference is
that numerical solutions provide answers only in tabulated form. On the plus side,
numerical solutions can handle complicated problems and therefore can, remove
the limitations inherent in analytical methods when dealing with nonlinearities.
Numerical methods can be divided into two groups: deterministic and statistic.
The deterministic group consists of such techniques as finite difference and finite
element. The statistical group deals primarily with such topics as the Monte Carlo
method. Finite difference methods, for example, are used to solve ordinary and
partial differential equations. Ordinary differential equations are solved based on
either the Taylor’s series technique or based on the predictor-corrector technique.
The Taylor’s series technique includes the Runge-Kotta and the Euler methods
while the predictor-corrector technique includes Adams, Moulton, Milne, and Ad-
ams Bashford methods. Partial differential equations can be divided into three
categories: Elliptic, Hyperbolic, and Parabolic. These equations are solved nu-
merically by either the explicit, semi-implicit, or fully implicit method. In this
chapter we consider only the finite difference methods.
1. Definiton of Terms
Accuracy. The reason this term is associated with numerical methods is that,
unlike analytical solutions, numerical methods are always associated with certain
degree of approximation. Accuracy is a measure of the closeness of the result ob-
tained from a numerical solution to an exact answer obtained from an analytical
solution. Although, in most cases, we do not have analytical answer to compare
with, reduction of errors associated with numerical solutions leads to increased ac-
Backward difference. This definition is useful in the topic of interpolation.
Consider a set of y values associated with a specified set of x values as y
= f(x
For simplicity, let’s assume that all x values are equally spaced. We now define
the first-order backward difference as
xfxff .
Central difference. For the same set of values described above, the central
difference is defined as: