Thin Film Nucleation, Growth, and Microstructural Evolution 599
Figure 12.37,asd increases from ∼ 1000
A to 1750
A, the surface roughness w remains
essentially constant owing to the competition between grain boundary reorientation (and
texture development) which decreases w, and the growth of grains with low-angle boundaries
which increases w. The third regime (T
∼ 400–475
C) is dominated by the continued growth
of highly textured grains with low-energy boundaries as d increases from ∼ 1750
A to 3000
causing the average surface roughness w to increase from ∼ 8
A. The maximum grain
size at the highest temperature, T
= 475
C, is ∼ 3000
A, a factor of 10× larger than the Au
film thickness. Prolonged annealing at 475
C had no further significant effect on d.
The grain growth history just described occurred through a combination of ‘normal’ and
‘abnormal’ mechanisms. During primary or normal grain growth, the grain size distribution
remains monomodal as individual grain boundaries move toward their centers of curvature in
order to reduce boundary curvature, total boundary length, and, thus, the total grain boundary
energy. That is, grains larger than the average size grow, while smaller grains shrink. In
columnar grain systems, grains with five or fewer sides tend to shrink, while those with seven
or more sides grow [108]. Secondary (or abnormal) grain growth results initially in a bimodal
grain size distribution which, if allowed to proceed to completion, leads again to a monomodal
distribution, but with a lower density of larger grains. Driving forces for abnormal grain growth
include local epitaxy [109], anisotropic surface and/or interfacial energies [110], anisotropic
strain [111], and/or kinetic competition [112–114]. For example, since surface energy is
strongly dependent on crystallographic orientation, those grains with orientations that lead to
low surface energies have an energetic advantage during growth. In the polycrystalline Au film
experiments, the entire grain distribution moved toward a complete 111 texture.
12.6.2 Multicomponent and Multiphase Film Growth
Polycrystalline thin films synthesized by reactive deposition provide additional pathways for
microstructure control while yielding enhanced thermal and process stability. Here, the term
reactive deposition encompasses the purposeful incorporation of dopants as well as
unintentional atmospheric contaminants such as water vapor, oxygen, and hydrocarbons since
even low concentrations of reactive elements (sometimes below the detection limits of modern
analytical techniques) can have strong effects on microstructural development [92, 115, 116].
Consider the case of O-containing polycrystalline Al films deposited at room temperature,
= 0.32, corresponding to zone II in the pure Al SZM [117]. Changes in film structure and
orientation as a function of increasing oxygen concentration, observed via in situ TEM
investigations, are summarized in Figure 12.38 [8, 92]. Oxygen has low solubility in Al and
segregates to surfaces and grain boundaries where it forms 2D oxide layers (oxide tissue
phases) which greatly reduce Al adatom surface and grain-boundary mobilities. These layers
modify all film formation processes, limiting grain coarsening during coalescence and film
growth. They also periodically interrupt the local epitaxial growth of individual crystallites and