72 4 Trenching and Underground Development
2. In 1985, RGC Exploration discovered the Lucky Draw gold mineralisation,
near Burraga in the Australian state of New South Wales. The mineralisation
occurred within a stratabound iron-rich skarn in poorly-exposed metasediments
of Ordovician age. Initial diamond drilling with inclined holes showed that the
rocks had a dominant shallow-dipping metamorphic fabric. On the basis of this
observation, it was decided that all future holes should be vertical. Many drill
holes later, it became apparent that high grade gold intercepts could not be easily
correlated. A number of excavator trenches were then dug across the prospect
to expose the shallow bedrock and give a better idea of the structure. Trench
mapping showed that the flat-lying fabric was a late cleavage which lay at a
high angle to sub-vertical bedding surfaces. Drilling was then resumed using
angle holes. A rational model for gold mineralisation soon emerged. Lucky Draw
subsequently became a successful open cut gold mine.
3. In 1995, Newcrest Mining was exploring for gold and copper in the Neogene
magmatic arc of Halmahera Island, Indonesia. Because of recent ash and collu-
vial cover, outcrop was limited. Along the bed of a small stream and flanks of
a nearby ridge line, prospecting located abundant float boulders of epithermal
quartz, some yielding high gold assays. A series of hand-dug trenches across
the slope above these occurrences exposed (sub) outcrop of low-sulphidation
epithermal quartz veining with a strike of over 300 m and widths to 30 m (Carlile
et al., 1998). Once the extent of the surface outcrop had been defined by trench-
ing, an extensive diamond drilling program proved an open pittable resource
of 0.99 Mt at 27 g/t gold and 38 g/t Ag (Oldberg et al., 1999). This became
the highly profitable Gosowong mine. Gosowong is now mined out, but through
persistent ongoing exploration in the surrounding district, Newcrest has located a
number of other similar high grade gold deposits, some of which (e.g. Kencana,
Toguraci) are currently being mined.
4. During 1999, in the remote, jungle covered eastern mountains of Burma, the
Canadian company Ivanhoe Limited, following up gold anomalies from regional
prospecting and geochemistry, located the Modi Taung prospect – a 4.5 km long
zone of steep-dipping mesothermal quartz veins that carry bonanza gold values
(Mitchell et al., 2004). The veins are hosted by cleaved mudstone of Mesozoic
age. Because of the difficulty of diamond drilling in such remote and rugged
terrain, and the extreme variability of gold distribution within the veins, it was
decided to explore the prospect by means of a series of adits driven from differ-
ent levels of the adjacent slopes. A total of 5 km of underground development
allowed detailed mapping of the veins and the collection of continuous channel
samples from the advancing faces and walls of drives in ore. Although the explo-
ration was successful in defining a potentially profitable company mine, Ivanhoe
was eventually forced withdraw for non technical reasons.
Carlile JC, Davey GR, Kadir I, Langmead RP, Rafferty WJ (1998) Discovery and exploration
of the Gosowong epithermal gold deposit, Halmahera Island, Indonesia. J Geochem Explor