234 Index
quadrants, 22
Silva, 215, 218
Suunto, 47, 215
Tectronic, 218
use in open cut mines, 55
use in tape and compass mapping, 47
use in underground mines, 59–60
use with plane table, 39
Competing land use, 5
Contouring, 175
Contour trails, see Costeans
Core frame, see Drilling, diamond
Core orientation, see Drilling, diamond
Costeans, 63
back-hoe, 64
bulldozer, 64
continuous trenching machines, 64
excavator, 64
geochemical sampling, 69–71
geological mapping, 66–68
hand digging, 64
pits and pitting, 6, 63
surveying, 66
trenches, 53, 63
trenching, 6
Crandon Mine, 151
Declination, see Compass
Delta angle, see Drilling, diamond
DEM (Digital Elevation Model), 37, 141, 174
Deviation, 101, 123
Dextral, 59, 82, 112, 190
DGPS (differential global positioning system),
24, 146, 149, 154, 171
MSAS, 24
WAAS, 24
Diamond drilling, see Drilling, diamond
Dilation zones, 81–82
Dip, 22, 209, 211
measuring with a geologist’s compass, 217
Dip and dip direction, 22, 47
DIPS, 200
Down hole survey, see Drilling, diamond
Drilling, auger, 75, 156
how it works, 96
sampling, 96
Drilling, blast hole, 53
Drilling, diamond
alpha angle, 105, 113, 115, 195–196, 209
assaying, 127, 180
beta angle, 195–196
BOH line, 132, 188–189, 192
BOH point, 188
choosing core diameter, 78
circumference plane, 195, 212
core axis, 101, 186, 195, 211
core barrel, 99
core diameters, 78
core frames, 192, 196, 201
core handling, 130
core lifter, 99
core orientation survey, 101
core protractors, 198
delta angle, 197, 213
down hole survey, 101, 113, 123–124
extension planes, 193
extension rods, 194
faults, appearance of, 105
folds, appearance of, 109
gamma angle, 197, 205
geological observation, 103
hand plotting section, 124
hole justification statement, 102, 179
how it works, 77, 96
inflection line, 195
inflection points, 105, 195, 200
internal core angles, 195
interpreting structures, 104
intersection ellipse, 104, 195, 201
lineations, appearance of, 83
logging, 116
analytical spread sheet, 119, 122, 167
geotechnical, 202
graphical, 117–118, 179
prose, 116
marking oriented core, 188
measuring bed thickness, 116
measuring specific gravity, 134
measuring structures, 113, 115
non-mechanical core orientation, 183
orientation by t emplate, 186–187
orientation using a spear, 185
oriented core, 101, 127
oriented hole, 101
orienting by core barrel method, 187
planes, appearance of, 104
recording structures, 114
RQD (Rock Quality Designator), 130
sampling, 127, 129
setting up, 102–103
split tube barrel, 99
targeting, 80
vergence, 112–113
wire line, 99