154 9 Geophysical and Geochemical Methods
New instruments take advantage of the ever increasing compactness, processing
speed, memory capacity and cheapness of electronic chips. This allows for increased
sophistication in collecting data in the field and for the processing of data at the
moment of collection so as to improve such things as signal to noise ratio. Combined
with the use of DGPS for survey control, these advances have greatly reduced the
cost and time involved in all geophysical surveys, while at the same time increasing
their resolution in the detection of anomalous signals in the data. The exponential
pace of improvement
of microprocessor technology shows no sign of abating.
Traditionally, most geophysical data has been presented for interpretation in the
form of contoured or raster plans and sections that can be interpreted in a qualitative
way by a geologist or geophysicist in terms of the geology and ore mineralisation
that they represent. Over the last 10 years, reflecting the ever increasing capacities of
computer processing power, new methods of analysing and presenting geophysical
data – whether magnetic, electrical, gravity or seismic – have been introduced that
are beginning to revolutionise the interpretation process. These methods are gen-
erally referred to as data inversion (McGauchy, 2007; Oldenberg and Pratt, 2007).
Inversion techniques make use of complex computer algorithms, and information
of the geophysical properties of the rocks and potential mineral deposits of the
prospect, to construct mathematically a geological model that agrees, or is at least
compatible, with the geophysical observations. The results are presented as a 2-D
or 3-D geological model of the body of rocks that were surveyed. The end prod-
uct can be quite dramatic and can lead to new insights about the geology of the
survey area. However, it is important to realise that, as with all computer models,
the product of inversion modelling is only as good as the geological choices made
in setting up the model parameters, and the accuracy of the geophysical properties
that are used in its construction. It is a feature of geophysical inversion models that
they are not unique: many different models can be constructed that will reproduce
the geophysical pattern that was measured in the field. Choosing between different
possible models requires geological knowledge about the area, and the better that
knowledge, the more useful and realistic the inversion model. If the model does not
make geological sense then it must be discarded and a new one constructed. The
person with the appropriate knowledge to audit the inversion model is the project
geologist, who needs to work closely with the specialist geophysicist to get the most
out of the data inversion modelling process.
It is well worth bearing in mind the cautionary words of Kenneth Zonge about
computer created geological models (Mathews and Zonge, 2003):
A note of caution ... we must be diligent in determining whether results make good geo-
logical sense, as the computer can create beautiful, mathematically correct, color sections
that do not accurately reflect geology or mineralisation.
This development was predicted in 1965 by Gordon E. Moore – a co-founder of Intel – and has
come to be known as Moore’s Law. The “Law” states that the numbers of transistors that can be
placed on a chip will double every 2 years. So far it has held good, although no exponential trend
can ever be projected indefinitely.