208 Appendix C
the horizontal distance between the points. Knowing the horizontal and eleva-
tion difference between any pairs of intersection points, simple trigonometric
formulae (see Step 5 above) will provide the angle of plunge (the angle which
the line makes with the horizontal, measured in the vertical plane) for the line
that joins any two pairs of points.
Step 3: We have now calculated the trend and plunge of three lines lying on the
surface of the marker bed. Mark these lines on to a stereonet overlay. They
plot as three points, as shown on Fig. C.2.
Step 4: Rotate the overlay so as to bring the three points to lie on a common great
circle. Only one great circle will satisfy all three points.
This great circle
represents the trace of the bed that was intersected by the drill holes.
Step 5: From the net, read off the strike and dip of the surface (or dip and dip
direction, or apparent dip on any given drill section).
C.4 An Elegant Solution to Determining the Attitude of Planes
in Non-oriented Core
Where there is no single marker bed that can be correlated between adjacent holes,
it is sometimes still possible to determine the orientation of a set of parallel surfaces
(such as bedding planes, a cleavage, or a vein set) provided that the surfaces have
been cored by a minimum of three nonparallel drill holes (Bucher, 1943; Mead,
1921). The same technique can even be extended to a single hole, provided that
the hole has sufficient deviation along its length for the differently oriented sectors
of the same hole to be considered in the same way as three separate holes (Laing,
The stereonet plot of Fig. C.3 illustrates three adjacent but non-parallel angle
holes that have intersected the same set of parallel, planar quartz veinlets. None of
the core is oriented, but the average alpha (α) angle between the veins and the core
axis has been measured in each hole: it is 10
in Hole 1, 56
in Hole 2 and 50
Hole 3.
On a stereonet, the orientation (azimuth and inclination) of a drill hole plots as a
point. The holes are the points labelled Hole 1, Hole 2 and Hole 3 on Fig. C.3.
When plotting planes on a stereonet it is always much easier to work with the
to the plane rather than the plane itself. If a plane makes an angle α with the
core axis, then the pole to the plane makes an angle of 90–α to the core axis, as
illustrated in Fig. C.4.
Let us consider Hole 1. Angle α and hence angle 90–α for the veins are known.
Because the core is not oriented, the poles to the veins could lie anywhere within
the range of orientations that is produced as the core is rotated one complete circle
Actually, on a stereonet, only two points are needed to define a plane. The use of a third point
adds accuracy and provides for error checking.
The pole to a plane is the line at right angles, or normal, to the plane. By plotting the pole, the
attitude of a plane can be represented on a stereonet by a single point.