Unit 12
Exercise 1
1 Sarà, at the end of the first paragraph. The future expresses a conjecture: ‘Maybe, be that as it may’. 2 He
considered it watery and insipid; and obviously disliked drinking from a styroform cup. Readers will know
espresso is very concentrated and is served in a small china cup. 3 No smoking is allowed in a Starbucks
bar. The names of some of the drinks served are unknown in Italy-e.g. mockacino; for others, the
Americans, not unnaturally, pronounce the names in a way Italians find funny; they also order such things
as a double espresso—Italians generally don’t do this. They may have a number of coffees in a day, but the
espresso is concentrated and the quantity is small. And Americans queue in an orderly manner, waiting their
turn, not something Italians do willingly! They expect to pop in and out of a bar quickly. He also implies the
inexperienced American barmen find the business of producing the coffees difficult. 4 Because the bar is an
Italian phenomenon.
Exercise 2
1 conobbi. 2 Ebbe. 3 decidemmo. 4 lavorai. 5 chiamarono. 6 decisi. 7 rimase. 8 fece.
Exercise 3
1 One is seen from within Italy, the other from abroad. She develops this idea further in the second
paragraph. 2 They are comedies, light but stylish. And they are having considerable success with the public
in Italy. 3 Sergio Castellitto is a good actor, and doesn’t overplay. Stefania Rocca acts intelligently and
without exploiting her physical charms. 4 The themes are often about family or marital issues; but some also
treat socio-political problems, depicting the real Italy. 5 She feels outside Italy audiences—and juries such
as that of the Oscars—tend to go for films which, while being aesthetically very pleasing, depict a
stereotypical Italy which does not reflect today’s reality. 6 Intellectual, inward-looking, very much
generational, left-wing. 7 That no one, outside Italy, perhaps, is interested in the real, deep, controversial
Italy of today. By deep she seems to mean as opposed to the superficial Italy of films like II Postino.
Exercise 4
1 La giovane donna che indossa un vestito nero è l’attrice Maria Grazia Cucinotta (personaggio B). 2
L’uomo che si ripara gli occhi dal sole è il regista Marco Tullio Giordana (personaggio D). 3 L’uomo che
sorride, con la barba e abbronzato, è l’attore Diego Abatantuono (personaggio C). 4 La giovane donna che
incrocia le braccia sul petto è l’attrice Stefania Rocca (personaggio F). 5 L’uomo che è seduto e sta
applaudendo è l’attore e regista Nanni Moretti (personaggio E).
Exercise 5
1 The actress they gave the part of the heroine to in Casomai is called Stefania Rocca. 2 Roberto Benigni is
an Italian actor who they gave an Oscar to a few years ago. 3 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso is an example of a