Nel 1961 ho iniziato a lavorare per una compagnia di assicurazioni.
Nel 1977 ho avuto un figlio, ma ho continuato a lavorare a tempo pieno.
Nel 1988 ho finito di scrivere il mio libro.
Nel 1965 ho voluto cambiare lavoro.
Nel 2001 ho tentato di finire gli studi universitari.
Nel 1990 ho cercato di prendere il diploma di infermiere professionale.
Nel 1942 ho provato a studiare il giapponese.
Nel 1972 ho potuto comprare una casa al mare.
Nel 1999 ho deciso di andare a vivere in Italia.
Nel 1983 ho scelto di andare in pensione con cinque anni di anticipo.
Exercise 6
1 One from Malaysia and one from Argentina. 2 They are his adoptive parents. 3 His natural mother. 4 He
found friends he liked and who were helpful, and he also found the officers very ‘human’—he probably
means they were understanding and treated him well. 5 He seems to have been touched that these women
who are are very much on the margins of society should applaud him, in his uniform which showed him to
be a representative of the law, because of their shared skin colour.
Exercise 7
The answers to this must inevitably be personal to you.
Unit 7
Exercise 1
1 False—it is 1.75 per cent (the text said 17.5 per thousand). 2 True. The North-East is a ‘boom area’ with
thriving economic activity and a shortage of labour, a natural magnet for incoming workers. 3 False. It has
tripled. 4 True. 5 True: 50 per 1,000. 6 True. 7 False. It has stayed the same, but because of a rising number
of immigrants and not an increase in births.
Exercise 2
The stages the new EC recruits must go through are:
1 They come to Italy at least a couple of months before they are due to start work. Armed with a short
contract from the school, they go to the main Police Station and apply for a work permit. 2 They then go
back to the country where they are working and finish their job there, working out their term of notice. 3
They come back to Italy. At some point, possibly during the initial visit, they will also have found somewhere
to live while working in the school. They collect their work permit and apply for residence in Italy. (They must
apply to the Comune where they live for this, and get a certificato di residenza.) This process takes about
three weeks. In practice they often start work. 4 Once they have a certificate saying they are resident they
can apply for a libretto di lavoro. (This is done at the Ufficio di Collocamento.) And once they have that the
employer can officially take them on as employees. Residence has to be at a specific address and technically
the authorities are supposed to check that the person is in fact living there.