Home Networking Demystifi ed
NOTE NOTE Window XP Professional has fi le sharing features not available on
Windows XP Home Edition. Because our emphasis is the home networking, the
features discussed and illustrated in this section apply to the Home Edition. If you
have Windows XP Professional, you can learn more about the software’s user-
level access control features by searching for “fi le sharing” in Help and Support.
File Sharing Applications
There are many reasons and occasions for fi le sharing on a LAN. These are among
the more popular applications:
• Simple fi le sharing If you’re active in personal computing, I would
expect that you will be sharing and using networked fi les on a daily basis.
These could be MP3 music fi les, photo image fi les, downloaded program
fi les, or fi les resulting from family projects.
• Backup Backup may be network fi le sharing’s premier application.
Home networks make it easy to back up personal fi les to one or more of the
other PCs on the network. Even though your daily/weekly backup is to a
hard drive on a network PC, it’s still a good idea to do monthly backups to
rewritable CD or DVD discs that can be stored in off-site locations.
• Mobile computing The primary computer for each of the four people in
my family is a desktop PC; however, each of us routinely uses the family
notebook when personal computing calls for mobility. When we use the
notebook, we have ready access to the fi les on our desktop PCs when
operating within the range of the APs. Many people routinely synchronize
fi les between their home-based desktops and their offi ce notebook PCs.
• Media hub The media hub, perhaps in a home theater setting, can recall
and play media server–based images, songs, and/or videos.
Security Issues
Any type of fi le sharing raises the security fl ag. As a rule of thumb, it’s good policy
to avoid making your personal fi les available to other network users. Those fi les
that you wish to share, such as those that make up your music library, can be placed
in the Shared Documents folder. Windows created this folder specifi cally to facilitate
fi le sharing on a network. All fi les that you place in this special folder will be made
available to other PCs on the network if you choose Turn On File And Printer
Sharing when you run the Network Setup Wizard (see Chapter 8). All other folders
are protected unless you specifi cally choose to share them.
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