McGraw-Hill/Osboe, 2005. - 309 Pages.
The migration of PCs into the home was inevitable. And so it is with the home network. Home networking evolves in four phases. In Phase I you purchase the first PC for the home and, in Phase II, you add a second PC, and, possibly, a third. Phase III begins the moment you recognize you can make life a little easier and save a lot of time and money by sharing computing resources. During Phase III you build a home network so you can share fi les, printers, storage, and Inteet access. In Phase IV the home network takes on a new perspective and you begin to see it as the tool
that will transform your home into an electronic home. Since you’re reading this book, chances are that you’re already at Phase III and, possibly, Phase IV. This book prepares you for Phases III and IV and leads you through the steps to building a home network and to creating an e-home with a wealth of applications that can change the way you and your family live, work, and play.
The migration of PCs into the home was inevitable. And so it is with the home network. Home networking evolves in four phases. In Phase I you purchase the first PC for the home and, in Phase II, you add a second PC, and, possibly, a third. Phase III begins the moment you recognize you can make life a little easier and save a lot of time and money by sharing computing resources. During Phase III you build a home network so you can share fi les, printers, storage, and Inteet access. In Phase IV the home network takes on a new perspective and you begin to see it as the tool
that will transform your home into an electronic home. Since you’re reading this book, chances are that you’re already at Phase III and, possibly, Phase IV. This book prepares you for Phases III and IV and leads you through the steps to building a home network and to creating an e-home with a wealth of applications that can change the way you and your family live, work, and play.