bilayer membranes and that resealing of artificial bilayer membranes takes milli-
seconds whereas resealing of cells can last for several minutes. And specifically this
long-lasting increased permeability of cell membrane is crucial for biotechnological
and biomedical applications. This shows clearly that for a complete description of
cell electroporation the role of the curvature, colloid osmotic swelling and specially
cell structures, such as cytoskeleton, domains and membrane proteins have to be
discussed and examined.
Altogether from theoretical model of aqueous pore formation can relatively
good describe experimental observations on lipid bilayers: critical transmembrane
voltage and stochastic nature of the process. However, up to now there is no
theoretical description which could completely describe all observable phenomena
present during cell electroporation and the underlying physical mechanism: the
formation of structural changes in the membrane on a molecular level during the
electric pulse, stochastic nature of electroporation, the observed dependency of
molecular uptake on pulse duration and number of pulses, field strength, repetition
frequency, the strong nonlinear transmembrane current-voltage characteristics with
the critical transmembrane voltages between 0.2–1 V and the stability of ‘‘pores’’
after the pulses as well as the resealing dynamics.
Altogether, the model of an aqueous pore formation offers a plausible expla-
nation for its stochastic nature and dependence on the pulse duration. The local
minimum in the free energy could represent stable hydrophilic pores, which could
explain the state of increase conductivity and permeability during the electric
pulses. However, as it can be seen from Fig. 21, by using the realistic parameters
a minimum in free energy is obtained only for very specific values of parameters
usually suggesting that electroporation would immediately lead to irreversible
electroporation. Thus as already discussed in the review of Weaver and
Chizmadzhev, some additional processes/structures have to be included to obtain
a realistic theoretical model of stable pores which could explain long-lived per-
meability of the cell membrane after electroporation. It is also clear that this the-
oretical description should incorporate proteins and cytoskeleton which can be
crucial factors that enables pore stabilization and prevent breakdown of the cell
membrane thus enabling the most important applications of cell electroporation:
electrogene transfer and electrochemotherapy.
Strong support for the existence of pores was given recently by Marrink and
colleagues in a molecular dynamics simulation of a lipid bilayer without [148] and
in the presence [149] of an external electric field. Owing to thermal energy the
lipid molecules constantly fluctuate and sometimes form short-lived states, with a
structure similar to that of a small hydrophilic pore. By this, the assumption of the
existence of small pores in the membrane before the application of the electric pulse
is justified. The dynamic simulation in the presence of an external electric field
[149] further showed existence of hydrophilic pores for the induced transmembrane
voltage above 2.5 V, which is much higher than experimentally observed critical
transmembrane voltage (0.2–1 V), however, these studies are important since they
present calculations of the possible lipid states by taking into account forces on
a molecular level. Future studies will probably enable building more realistic
M. Pavlin et al.212