pulses. This is elucidated by Fig. 14, which shows the relation between the am-
plitude and the critical duration of the transmembrane voltage. At
U ¼ 1.01 U
E2.71 V, the critical duration t
of the transmembrane voltage is
approximately 450 ns, which is in close agreement with the sub-microsecond im-
aging experiments [84,85]. Still, the critical duration in the model decreases
extremely rapidly, and at U ¼ 1.20 U
E3.12 V we already have t
E17 ns, while
experimentally this decrease is much slower. Also, according to the viscohydro-
elastic model, the permeabilized membrane is torn along the ripples, but no such
disconnections have so far been observed, making this description of the perm-
eabilized membrane questionable.
3.5. The Phase Transition Model
According to the models presented up to this point, electropermeabilization is a
modification of the supramolecular membrane structure. In contrast, the phase
transition model describes this phenomenon as a conformational change of mem-
brane molecules [72]. On the molecular scale, the pressures are replaced by mo-
lecular energies, and the pressure equilibrium corresponds to the state of minimum
free energy. With several minima of free energy, several stable states are possible,
each corresponding to a distinct phase. In lipid bilayers, there are in general two
such phases, solid (gel) and liquid phase.
The phase transition model of electropermeabilization is an extension of the
statistical mechanical model of lipid membrane structure [86,87]. According to this
model, the free energy of the membrane at a temperature T and an average mo-
lecular surface area S is given by an expression of a general form
W ðT; SÞ¼W
ðT; SÞþW
ðT; SÞþW
ðT; SÞ (6)
where W
is the flexibility energy (from continuous deformations, e.g. compres-
sion), W
is the conformational energy (from discrete deformations, e.g. trans–cis
transitions), W
is the energy of interactions between the hydrocarbon chains and
is the energy of interactions between the polar heads of the lipids. Regrettably,
Figure 14 Critical duration of the transmembrane voltage as a function of its amplitude in the
viscohydroelastic model, using parameter values f romTable 4.
Electroporation of Planar Lipid Bilayers and Membranes 183