where Y is the elasticity module of the membrane and R the radius of the cell. This
also shows that the curvature reduces the free energy of the membrane and implies
that, at a given transmembrane voltage, electroporation is more intense in smaller
Today, many consider the aqueous pore formation model to be the most con-
vincing explanation of electroporation. If in the future it preserves this status, then
further research, especially measurements of the relevant physical quantities, should
gradually result in the improvement of the current form of the aqueous pore
formation model. It is reasonable to expect that some of the tentative extensions
described above will soon be incorporated into the model, while revisions and
entirely new propositions will continue to appear. It is also reasonable to expect
that an explicit formulation of the function g(r) should be given in the near future.
The insights obtained by molecular dynamics simulations, and perhaps by an ad-
vanced method of visualization or another type of detection, should also yield
a clearer picture of the electropermeabilized membrane on a nanometer scale,
thereby providing the final verdict on the validity of the concept of electrop-
4. Electroporation of Cells-Experimental Observations
and Analysis of Underlying Phenomena
The electroporation of cells is sometimes also referred to as elect-
ropermeabilization, which stresses the crucial observation that increased perme-
ability of the cell membrane is observed above a certain critical (threshold) applied
electric field. It was shown by several independent studies that electroporation of
cells is closely related to electroporation of lipid bilayer membranes, referred to also
as dielectric breakdown, and that the structural changes in the membrane are
formed in the lipid part of the cell membrane. Still the exact molecular mechanisms
of the formation, structure and stability of these permeable structures (pores) are not
completely understood [32,99]. On one hand the theoretical descriptions that were
developed for lipid bilayers do not include cell structures such as cytoskeleton and
proteins. In addition non of the existing theories can describe permeable structures
or pores which could be stable for minutes and hours after pulse application. On
the other hand, the increased permeability after the pulses, which enables delivery
of molecules (drugs, DNA molecules y) is crucial for application of cell elect-
roporation in biotechnology in biomedicine [2,100,101]. Therefore, phenomeno-
logical observations and quantification of cell electroporation can lead to some
conclusions enabling evaluation of electroporation theories when applying them to
such complex systems as cells and helps to understand the underlying mechanisms.
For this reason, we will present the theoretical and experimental data on the
electroporation of cells. We will focus on the experimental evidence of cell
This is true for a given transmembrane voltage, but not for a given pulse amplitude, since the transmembrane voltage induced by
the pulse is proportional to the cell radius.
M. Pavlin et al.194