Plate 5 Schematic representation of protein^lipid interaction. Schematic view of (a) myosin II
(green) and putative binding to actin (red) and (b) myosin II (bound to lipid vesicles) and actin
(see page 234 in this volume).
Plate 6 Fluoresce nce images. Fluorescence image of a single capillary endotheli al cell
expressing GFP-vinculin ( gree n), stained for F-actin with Alexa phalloidin (red) and nuclei
with DAPI (blue). Note: how each actin stress ¢ber is anchored into foc al adhesions at its distal
ends (bar ¼ 10 mm). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [103], Copyright (c) 2006,W|ley-Liss,
Inc. (see page 245 in this volume).