Aerospace applications of Ni-H
batteries can be divided into two categories: LEO and GEO
applications. These two applications stress different requirements for the batteries. LEO life-
time-in-orbit requirements are typically only 3 to 6 years at approximately 6000 cycles per
year for a total cycle requirement of 18,000–36,000 cycles. The GEO applications stress
lifetime in orbit, namely 15 to 20 years. The batteries are cycled about 100 times per year
for a total of 1500 to 2000 cycles. Ni-H
batteries are also being developed and evaluated
for terrestrial applications.
32.6.1 GEO Applications
Eclipse Seasons. Communications satellites are required to operate continuously without
interruption, which includes operation during eclipse seasons. These satellites pass through
eclipse periods each day during the equinox seasons. An eclipse occurs when the satellite is
in the shadow of the earth. The eclipses start with a few minutes duration and build up to
a maximum length of 72 min, which occurs midseason (about March 21 or September 23),
and then drop off again symmetrically. The total duration of the season is 45 days. The
batteries supply power to the spacecraft during eclipse periods and are recharged during the
sunlight portion of each eclipse day. During the summer and winter solstice periods (ap-
proximately 138 days each) between eclipse seasons, the batteries are kept on trickle charge.
Charge Control. In the middle of the eclipse season, the battery is typically discharged up
to 70% of its beginning-of-life rated capacity. At the end of life, after 15 years of operation,
the battery still must meet the same initial load requirements. The preferred charge method
for GEO satellites is to recharge the battery at a fixed c/d ratio, returning 105 to 115% of
the capacity removed on discharge at a high charge rate, and then switch to a low trickle
charge rate for the remainder of the 24-h eclipse day to maintain the batteries at the full
(100%) state of charge. For the 135 days between eclipse seasons, the batteries are main-
tained on trickle charge in the fully charged condition.
Reconditioning. Batteries are typically reconditioned prior to each eclipse season.
32.6.2 LEO Applications
Battery Requirements. A 96-min orbit is typically used to characterize LEO satellite ap-
plications. The time it takes a satellite to orbit the earth at 555 km is 96 min. The satellite
orbits the earth 15 times in one day. The orbital duration remains fixed, but the sunlight and
eclipse periods vary with each orbit. For example, a LEO satellite orbiting 555 km above
the earth, at an inclination of 28.3
⬚, has an orbital period that is constant at 96 min; but
during a given month, such as December 1991, the eclipse durations vary from a maximum
of 35.58 min on December 1 to a minimum of 26.97 min on December 30.
Charge Control. The battery is charged during the sunlight period and discharged during
the eclipse period. With this high duty cycle, it is essential to minimize overcharge (heat
dissipation) and maximize overall Watthour efficiency for the battery. A charge method is
needed to compensate for the variation in the depth of discharge (variation in eclipse dura-
tion) and to minimize overcharge. If the battery can be maintained at a low temperature on
charge between 0 and 10
⬚C, the Ampere-hour charge efficiency approaches 100%, and the
Watthour efficiency approaches 85%.