Aside from normal capacity loss due to extended wet or cycle life, dry-charged zinc-
silver oxide batteries may exhibit a one-time deviation in capacity performance (typically
less than 20% of initial capacity) during the second cycle discharge called ‘‘second cycle
syndrome.’’ The cause of this deviation is unknown but is generally recognized by the user
The nominal life ratings for the silver-zinc, silver-cadmium, and silver-iron batteries are
given in Table 33.4. The life of the silver oxide cells will also vary greatly with operating
and storage conditions. High rates of discharge to 100% depth of discharge and high-
temperature exposure (for more than 30 days) will significantly reduce the wet and cycle
lives of the batteries. Cold-temperature storage (at less than
⫺10⬚C), when not in use, on
the other hand, will greatly increase the life of the cells. The cycle and wet lives will also
increase with a decreasing depth of discharge.
In a study to evaluate the capabilities of silver-cadmium batteries for satellite applications,
an extensive test program was run on three-cell, 3-Ah silver-cadmium batteries at various
depths of discharge.
These results are summarized in Table 33.5, showing the increase in
cycle life with decreasing depth of discharge.
Another study on 250 Ampere-hour silver-
zinc cells, cycled at less than 1% depth of discharge, with 14 full-capacity cycles, resulted
in a cycle life of 7280 cycles over a 38-month period.
TABLE 33.5 Cycle Life vs. Depth of Discharge for 3-V, 3-Ah
Sealed Cadmium/ Silver Oxide Batteries
Depth of discharge, % Cycle life at first cell failure
⬎5400 (375 days)
⬎5400 (375 days)
⬎5400 (375 days)
Source: Ref. 20.
33.5.1 Efficiency
The Ampere-hour efficiency (Ampere-hour output/Ampere-hour input) of the silver-zinc and
silver-cadmium systems under normal operating conditions is high—greater than 98% be-
cause practically no side reactions occur when charging at normal rates. The Watthour ef-
ficiency (Watthour output/Watthour input) is about 70% under normal conditions because
of the difference between charge and discharge voltages.
33.5.2 Zinc/Silver Oxide Batteries
The manufacturers of these batteries recommend constant-current charging at the 10 to 20-
h rate for most applications. However, constant-potential and pulsed charging techniques
have also been applied.
A typical charge curve at constant current is shown in Fig. 33.19. The two plateaus reflect
the two levels of oxidation of the silver electrode: the first from silver to monovalent silver
oxide (Ag
O), which occurs at a potential of approximately 1.6 V; the second from the