out basis (FIFO). Nickel-zinc, like most other battery chemistries, should be stored on open-
circuit. If the battery is stored with a load across the terminals, cycle life may be reduced.
The non-operating (storage) temperature range for the nickel-zinc battery is typically spec-
ified as
⫺20 to 50⬚C. The battery manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed.
Short-term Storage. There are no issues regarding short-term storage of the nickel-zinc
battery for periods of less than 6 months. If the battery has been unused for some period of
time, a few ‘‘wake-up’’ cycles may be required before the battery recovers full capacity. This
effect is typically not noticeable in most applications. It is possible for the battery to exhibit
a lower than normal charge voltage which would preclude normal end-of-charge voltage
termination. The charger should have a back-up charge termination mode to counter this
possibility, including a time limit charge termination as a minimum.
Long-term Storage. Long-term storage is typically considered to be a period exceeding 6
months in which the battery is stored at essentially zero state-of-charge (due to self-
discharge). Nickel-zinc batteries can be stored for up to 3 years. Long-term storage should
be done in a controlled environment to minimize adverse effects on the battery of temperature
extremes. If stored for periods of more than 3 years, some degradation in performance may
be observed. A more aggressive charge may be required to fully recover capacity after long-
term storage greater than 6 months. If possible a ‘‘pre-conditioning’’ charge can be performed
which terminates at a slightly higher voltage than the normal charge termination voltage.
This serves to overcome passivating oxide layers that may build up on the electrodes during
long periods of non-use. Pre-conditioning allows 60% capacity recovery on the first use after
storage and 90% recovery on the second use. If a preconditioning charge is not possible, the
battery may require several cycles to achieve full capacity using the normal charging method.
As mentioned above, long-term storage above
⫹50⬚C is not recommended or reduced battery
performance may result.
The authors would like to acknowledge the significant contributions of Jonathan O’Neill,
Frank Cao and Kendra Pruneau, Evercel Corporation, in researching the scientific literature,
compiling background information and assisting in the preparation and editing of this chapter.
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