31.4.2 Battery Design and Packaging
Single cells can be assembled into a multicell battery by a variety of conventional means or
in a monobloc type of battery construction. Single cells provide a 1.65 VDC building block
from which any desired battery voltage can be achieved. The monobloc is typically more
cost effective and is usually built as a 12 VDC module containing seven or eight cells,
depending on the application. Multiple monoblocs can be grouped for systems requiring
higher voltages.
Electrical Design. Battery electrical design is dictated by the system interface require-
ments. Battery design can be simple, as in the case of several cells strapped together into a
module, or quite complex such as in a hybrid or electric vehicle. The fundamental require-
ment for the electrical design of the battery is the output voltage required. This determines
the number of cells in the battery and all other design aspects flow from this requirement.
Battery electrical design also includes safety and protective devices and components which
can be designed to protect the battery, personnel and systems in which the battery is installed.
These can include protective components such as thermal cut-off (TCO), fuses, protective
diodes and other safety devices. The electrical interface to the battery is also important and
should include safety and operational features such as polarized and /or keyed battery con-
nectors that impede the improper use of the battery. Also, it should be ensured that the
battery polarity is properly labeled and marked on the battery.
Nickel/zinc cells and batteries should not be charged or discharged in parallel configu-
rations. The battery should be sized to provide the Ampere-hour energy storage requirement
of the application rather than operating smaller batteries in an electrically parallel configu-
ration. Operation in parallel presents current sharing and efficiency imbalances which may
adversely affect Ni /Zn battery performance and cycle life. Multi-voltage ‘‘taps’’ should not
be used on the battery for similar cell balance and safety issues.
Monobloc Design. Multi-cell batteries can be configured either as single cells connected
in series or can be constructed as a monobloc similar to the standard lead-acid automotive-
type battery. In monobloc batteries, the entire multi-cell battery case is molded as a single
component as opposed to each cell being in an individually molded case. The cells can be
interconnected either through the cell wall or the terminals can protrude through the top of
each cell and be connected with standard intercell connectors. Normally if cell terminals are
exposed on the top of the battery, a protective cover is fitted to prevent electrical hazards
from the exposed terminals. In the monobloc design, each cell is individually sealed from
the other cells in order to prevent electrolyte bridging. Relief valves are included for safety
to prevent excessive pressure from building inside the battery case.
Thermal Design. As with most batteries, nickel-zinc performance and cycle life are
strongly dependent on the thermal environment in which the battery is operated. System
level design should minimize the temperature differential (
⌬T) experienced by the cells of
the battery. Heat is reversibly consumed and generated during charge and discharge, respec-
tively, as a result of endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions. However, heat is also
generated irreversibly during both charge and discharge as a result of I
R losses. Thus, the
net thermal result of discharge is heat evolution, but the net thermal result of charge is
variable. The bulk of the charging process is slightly endothermic but this is compensated
for by I
R heating, resulting in a net rise in battery temperature. Near the end of charge, gas
evolution becomes significant and this can generate significant quantities of heat. This is one
reason that overcharge should be avoided. The heat produced near the end of charge may
be carried over into discharge causing a higher than normal temperature increase during
discharge. Whenever possible, heat should be removed from the battery via convection.
Severe overcharge or over-discharge can result in runaway exothermic reactions, and should
be avoided.