bility calcium zincate electrode technology. Zinc migration has been substantially reduced.
Separator systems have also improved substantially. Stable polymeric zinc migration barrier
materials are used in place of cellulose-based separators. There remain two primary failure
mechanisms in sealed nickel-zinc batteries, failure of the zinc electrode and cell dry-out.
Even with the use of reduced solubility calcium-zincate technology, the zinc electrode
still has some finite solubility in the alkaline electrolyte. Zinc can form complex zincate
anions in the electrolyte and diffuse throughout the battery. Some of this zincate is deposited
within the pores of the nickel electrode. This may adversely affect the performance of the
nickel electrode and thus the performance of the battery. It is possible that the gradual
decrease in capacity observed is partially for this reason.
In plastic bonded electrodes, the fibrillated Teflon
structure minimizes mechanical fatigue
in the electrode and provides dimensionally stable long-term performance by allowing the
electrode active materials to expand and contract during charge and discharge. Conventional
sintered or pasted electrodes provide no mechanism for this expansion and contraction. In
addition, a fibrillated Teflon
structure prevents zinc migration and shape change by locking
the active material in place within a stable three-dimensional structure. This effect also
reduces the extrusion of active material from the nickel electrode into the separator.
31.5.4 Memory Effect
Nickel-zinc batteries may exhibit only a very mild memory effect that is associated with the
nickel electrode. Nickel-cadmium batteries commonly exhibit what is termed ‘‘memory ef-
fect’’ or ‘‘fading.’’ This is a reversible phenomenon usually caused by repetitive cycling
at less than full depth-of-discharge. The observed effect is a depression in the discharge
voltage (as much as 120 millivolts) when the battery is discharged below the depth at which
it was previously cycled. Nickel-zinc batteries are only slightly affected by a similar
Proper charging of the nickel-zinc battery is a critical factor in achieving maximum per-
formance and cycle life. The goal of recharging any battery is to input the correct quantity
of charge to deliver the optimum discharge capacity. Charging beyond this point is not
productive and in many cases may cause degradation in battery performance and cycle life.
This is particularly true in the nickel-zinc battery because the zinc electrode is susceptible
to increased zinc dissolution/ migration during extreme overcharge. The critical factor in
charging system design is how to detect when the battery has achieved a full state-of-charge.
Several methods can be used for charge termination including temperature compensated
voltage, the rate of change of voltage with respect to time, increased battery temperature or
a variety of other commonly used techniques.
Development of the commercial nickel-zinc battery necessitated the development of
charging methods and algorithms in order to supply charging systems for commercial ap-
plications. Extensive testing has been performed to fully characterize the nickel-zinc system
as a function of both charge rate and temperature. Several charging algorithms and methods
of charge termination have been evaluated. The defining characteristic for a charging system
is cost, as the cost of the charger must be proportional to the cost of the battery and the
system in which the battery is used.
It should be stressed that the manufacturer’s recommendations should be strictly adhered
to in charging any battery. Excessive overcharge, current which is too high or too low, or
the use of an inappropriate charging algorithm may result in reduced performance, reduced
cycle life and potential safety hazards. Use only a charger specifically designed for the nickel-
zinc battery.