The primary purpose of the PTC is to protect against external short circuits, though it
also offers protection under certain other electrical abuse conditions. It does so by limiting
the current flow when the cell temperature reaches the PTC’s designed activation temperature.
When the PTC activates, its resistance increases sharply, with a corresponding reduction in
the flow of current and, consequently, internal heat generation. When the battery (and the
PTC) cools, the PTC resistance drops, allowing the battery to discharge again. The PTC will
continue to operate in this manner for many cycles if an abusive condition continues or
recurs. The PTC will not ‘‘reset’’ indefinitely, but when it ceases to do so, it will be in the
high-resistance condition. The characteristics of PTCs (or any other current-limiting devices
in the battery) may place some limitations on performance. These are discussed in more
detail in Sec. 14.10.3.
14.10.3 Performance
Voltage. The nominal voltage of the Li/FeS
system is given as 1.5 V and the open-circuit
voltage of undischarged cells is approximately 1.8 V. The voltage on load drops within
milliseconds, as shown in Fig. 14.79.
Discharge. Li/ FeS
batteries typically have a higher operating voltage and a flatter dis-
charge profile than aqueous zinc /alkaline manganese dioxide 1.5-V batteries. This is illus-
trated in Fig. 14.80, which compares the performance of these two battery systems at rela-
tively light and heavy constant-current discharge rates. These characteristics of the Li /FeS
battery result in higher energy and power output, especially on heavier drains were the
operating voltage differences are greatest.
Typical discharge curves of the AA-size Li/ FeS
battery under constant-resistance, con-
stant-current, and constant-power discharge modes are shown in Figs. 14.81 to 14.83.
Operating Temperature. Li/FeS
batteries are also suitable for use over a broad tempera-
ture range, generally
⫺40 to 60⬚C. As can be seen in Fig. 14.84, service life is improved at
elevated temperatures as it is at room temperature. In some applications there may be further
limits on the maximum discharge temperature due to current limiting, which are part of the
cell or battery device designs. Service life is reduced as the discharge temperature is lowered
below room temperature, though the performance of the Li /FeS
battery is affected much
less by low temperature than are aqueous systems.
Effects of Current-Limiting Devices. Some current-limiting devices, such as fuses and
PTCs, are designed to respond to high temperatures. Both the ambient temperature and
internal cell heating can affect these devices, so any of the following factors may play a
Surrounding air temperature
Thermal insulating properties of battery container
Heat generated by equipment components during use
Cumulative heating effects of multicell batteries
Discharge rates and durations
Frequency and duration of rest periods
It may be necessary to consult the manufacturer or conduct testing to determine limitations
in specific applications.