TABLE 14.21 Specifications for Commercially Available Foil Cells and Batteries
⫻ L ⫻ W
Max. cont.
U3VF-A-T 0.8 ⫻ 38.6 ⫻ 30.0 3.2 27 20 1.1
U3VF-B-T 0.5
⫻ 27.7 ⫻ 38.1 3.2 45 40 1.2
U3VF-G-T 1.1
⫻ 36.3 ⫻ 25.7 3.2 120 12 1.1
U3VF-L-T 2.0
⫻ 38.6 ⫻ 30.0 3.2 160 20 2.1
U6VF-K2 4.6
⫻ 73.7 ⫻ 46.0 6.4 600 50 17.5
U3VF-K 2.3
⫻ 73.7 ⫻ 46.0 3.2 800 55 8.5
U3VF-H 2.3
⫻ 93.9 ⫻ 76.0 3.2 1800 60 18.0
U6VF-H2 3.9
⫻ 93.2 ⫻ 78.2 6.4 1800 60 37.0
U3VF-D 2.3
⫻ 92.0 ⫻ 92.0 3.2 2300 80 27.5
Source: Manufacturer’s Data Sheets.
14.8.5 Applications and Handling
The main applications of the Li /MnO
system currently range up to several Ampere-hours
in capacity, taking advantage of its higher energy density, better high-rate capability, and
longer shelf life compared with the conventional primary batteries. The Li/MnO
are used in memory applications, watches, calculators, cameras, and radio frequency iden-
tification (RFID) tags. At the higher drain rates, motor drives, automatic cameras, toys,
personal digital assistants (PDAs), digital cameras and utility meters are excellent applica-
The low-capacity Li/MnO
batteries can generally be handled without hazard, but, as
with the conventional primary battery systems, charging and incineration should be avoided
as these conditions could cause a cell to explode.
The higher-capacity cylindrical batteries are generally equipped with a venting mechanism
to prevent explosion, but the batteries, nevertheless, should be protected to avoid short cir-
cuits and cell reversal, as well as charging and incineration. Most of the high-rate batteries
are also equipped with an internal resettable current and thermal protective system called a
positive temperature coefficient (PTC) device. When a cell is short-circuited or discharged
above design limits and the cell temperature increases, the resistance of the PTC device
quickly increases significantly. This limits the amount of current which can be drawn from
the cell and keeps the internal temperature of the cell within safe limits. Figure 14.60 shows
the operation of the PTC device when a cell is short-circuited. After a short-circuit peak of
about 10 A the current is abruptly limited and maintained at the depressed level. When the
short-circuit is removed, the cell reverts to its normal operating condition. The short delay
of several minutes before the PTC operates permits the cell to deliver pulse currents at higher
values than the maximum permitted under continuous drain.
Larger spiral-wound cells and the foil-type shown in Fig. 14.42 are finding use in military
electronics, including the U.S. Army’s Twenty-First Century Land Warrier System, radios
and the thermal weapons sight. Battery packs are also being employed for Emergency Po-
sitioning Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) and pipeline test vehicles. Smaller batteries
are also available commercially in foil laminate packages for use in specialized applications
such as toll collection transponders and RFID tags for shipping and inventory control.
The specific conditions for the use and handling of Li/ MnO
batteries are dependent on
the size as well as the specific design features. Manufacturers’ recommendations should be