14.9.5 Applications and Handling
The applications of the Li/(CF)
battery are similar to those of the other lithium/ solid-
cathode batteries, again taking advantage of the high specific energy and energy density and
long shelf life of these batteries. The Li/ (CF)
coin batteries are used as a power source for
watches, portable calculators, memory applications, and so on. The low-capacity miniature
pin-type batteries have been used as an energy source for LEDs and for fishing lights and
microphones. The larger cylindrical batteries can also be used in memory applications, but
their higher drain capability also covers use in radio sets, for telemetry, and for photographic
and similar general-purpose applications.
Handling considerations for the Li /(CF)
systems, too, are similar to those for the other
lithium/ solid-cathode systems. The limited current capability of the coin and low-capacity
batteries restricts temperature rise during short circuit and reversal. These batteries can gen-
erally withstand this abusive use even though they are not provided with a safety vent
mechanism. The larger batteries are provided with a venting device, but short circuit, high
discharge rates, and reversal should be avoided as these conditions could cause the cell to
vent. Charging and incineration likewise should be avoided for all batteries. The manufac-
turer’s recommendations should be obtained for handling specific battery types.
Iron sulfide, in both the monosulfide (FeS) and the disulfide (FeS
) forms, has been consid-
ered for use in solid-cathode lithium batteries. Only the disulfide battery has been commer-
cialized because of its performance advantage due to its higher sulfur content and higher
voltage. The monosulfide electrode has the advantage of reduced corrosion, longer life, and
a single voltage plateau compared to the disulfide electrode, which discharges in two steps.
These batteries have a nominal voltage of 1.5 V* and can therefore be used as replace-
ments for aqueous batteries having a similar voltage. Button-type Li/ FeS
batteries were
manufactured as a replacement for zinc /silver oxide batteries but are no longer marketed.
They had a higher impedance and a slightly lower power capability but were lower in cost
and had better low-temperature performance and storability.
Li/ FeS
batteries are now manufactured in a cylindrical configuration. These batteries
have better high-drain and low-temperature performance than the zinc/alkaline-manganese
dioxide batteries. The performance of these two systems on constant-current discharge at
various discharge rates, in the AA size, is compared in Fig. 14.76.
*ANSI Standard C18.3M, Part 1-1999.