with for simplicity in the previous sections as single factors, most of them are
in fact complexes of several different proteins, for example, TFIIE and TFIIF
both contain two distinct protein s. Similarly, TFIIH is a multi-protein complex
whose structure has been determi ned (Chang and Kornbeg, 2000; Schultz et
al., 2000) with one of the component proteins having the kinase activity which
results in phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase while another has the heli-
case activity which unwinds the DNA (see section 3.5.1) (for review see
Hoeijmakers et al., 1996; Svejstrup et al., 1996).
This responsibility of one component of the complex for an activity for-
merly ascribed to the whole complex is seen most clearly in TFIID. Thus,
TFIID is a multi-protein complex in which only one protein known as TBP
(TATA-binding protein) directs the binding to the TATA box while the other
components of the complex, known as TAFs (TBP-associated factors), do not
bind di rectly to the TATA box and appear to allow TFIID to respond to
stimulation by transcriptional activators (see Chapter 5, section 5.4.2)
(for review see Hahn , 1998; Green, 2000). They thus represent co-activator
molecules, linking transc riptional activators and the basal transcriptional
Hence TBP plays a critical role in the transcription of TATA box-contain-
ing RNA polymerase II promoters by binding to the TATA box as the first
step in assembly of the basal transcriptional complex. In view of this critical
role, it is not surprising that TBP is one of the most highly conserved eukary-
otic proteins. The structure of this protein has been defined by X-ray crystal-
lography and shown to have a saddle structure in which the concave underside
binds to DNA and the convex outer surface is acces sible for interactions with
other factors. Most interestingly, binding of TBP to the DNA deforms the
DNA so that it follows the concave curve of the saddle (Fig. 3.8). Moreover,
structural studies of the TFIID complex (consisting of TBP and the TAFs)
bound to DNA have indicated that it res embles the complex of the eight
histone molecules around which DNA is wound in the nucleosome to form
the normal chromatin structure (see Chapter 1, section 1.2.1). Hence the
DNA may bend around TFIID at the promoter in a similar manner to the
folding of the rest of DNA in the bas ic nucleosome structure of chromatin (for
reviews see Hoffman n et al., 1997; Gangloff et al., 2001). This role for TFIID in
altering nucleosome structure at the promoter is also supported by the find-
ing that TAFII
, one of the subunits of TFIID, has histone acetyltransferase
activity (Mizzen et al., 1996), since acetylation of histones appears to play a key
role in modulating chromatin structure (see Chapter 1, section 1.2.3).
The bent DNA with TFIID bound to it serves as the central platform on
which the basal transc riptional complex assembles. Thus, structural studies
have shown that TFIIA binds to the amino terminal stirrup of the TBP saddle