tarazu which have the same amino acid at this position recognize the same
DNA sequence.
This critical role of the ninth amino acid is in contrast to the situation in the
bacteriophage proteins in which the helix-turn-helix motif was originally
defined. In these proteins, the most N terminal residues (1–3) in the recogni-
tion helix play a critical role in determining DNA binding specificity (for
review see Pabo and Sauer, 1992). As shown in Figure 4.7, however, these
amino acids appear to play little or no role in determining the DNA binding
specificity of eukaryotic helix-turn-helix proteins suggesting, therefore, that
the recognition helix of these proteins is oriented differently in the major
groove of the DNA.
This idea is in agreement with the structural studies of the eukaryotic
homeodomains bound to DNA which have identified the actual protein–
DNA contacts. These studies have shown that as in the bacteriophage
proteins, the recognition helix directly contacts the bases of DNA in the
major groove. However, in the eukaryotic homeobox proteins this helix is
oriented within the major groove somewhat differently such that the critical
base-specific contacts are, as predicted, made by the C terminal end of the
helix which contains residue nine (see Fig. 4.8).
It is clear therefore that the helix-turn-helix motif in the homeobox med-
iates both the DNA binding of the protein and also, via the recognition helix,
controls the precise DNA sequence that is recognized. Interestingly, however,
the short N-terminal arm of the homeodomain also contacts the bases of the
DNA, although it makes contact in the minor groove rather than the major
groove. Removal of this short N-terminal arm dramatically reduces the DNA
binding affinity of the homeodomain indicating that this region contributes
significantly to the DNA binding ability of the homeodomain probably by
contacting the ATTA bases common to the DNA binding sites of several
homeodomain proteins (see Fig. 4.8).
Although DNA binding is important for the modulation of transcription, it
is necessary to demonstrate that the homeobox proteins do actually affect
transcription following such binding. In the case of the Ubx protein, this
was achieved by showing that co-transfection of a plasmid expressing Ubx
with a plasmid in which the Antennapedia promoter drives a marker gene
resulted in the repression of gene expression driven by the Antennapedia
promoter (Fig. 4.9). Hence the observed binding of Ubx to the Antp promoter
(see above) results in down regulation of its activity in agreement with the
results of genetic experiments.
Most interestingly, the Ubx expression plasmid was able to up regulate
activity of its own promoter in co-transfection experiments, this ability
being dependent on the previously defined binding sites for Ubx within its