tinct from that of the POU factors where the POU-specific and POU-homeo-
domains are both necessary for high affinity DNA binding. Nonetheless, in
factors such as Pax3, which have both a paired domain and a full length
homeodomain, both domains participate in DNA binding. This produces
very high affinity binding to a DNA binding site which contains the recog-
nition sequence for both the DNA binding domains and the affinity of bind-
ing to such sites is greatly reduced when either the paired domain or the
homeodomain is deleted. Interestingly, the paired domain itself is distantly
related to the homeodomain in terms of its structure and mechanism of DNA
Thus, like the homeodomain, the paired domain also binds to DNA via a
helix-turn-helix motif. Structural analysis of this motif, however, reveals that it
is more similar to that in the bacteriophage proteins (see section 4.2.3) than
that in the eukaryotic homeodomain proteins with the residues at the N-
terminus of the recognition helix being critical for DNA binding (Xu et al.,
1995). Indeed, one form of Waardenburg syndrome, which results from inac-
tivation of Pax3 (see Chapter 9, section 9.1), is due to mutation in a glycine
residue at the N-terminus of the Pax3 recognition helix resulting in a failure of
the factor to bind to DNA. Hence the helix-turn-helix motif is a widely used
DNA binding domain which exists in at least two different forms that differ in
the manner in which the recognition helix contacts the DNA.
As with the POU proteins, Pax factors play a critical role in gene regulation
during development particularly in the developing nervous system. Thus, for
example, Pax6 has been shown to be of critical importance in specifying which
cells will develop into different types of motor neurons during development
(Ericson et al., 1997) and also appears to play a critical role in eye develop-
ment in a wide range of organisms (Gehring and Ikeo, 1999). In agreement
with the critical role of these genes in development, knock out mice in which
specific Pax genes have been inactivated show defects in the development of
the nervous system while the naturally occurring mutant mouse strain splotch
which exhibits spina bifida, exencephaly and neural crest and limb muscle
defects is due to a mutation in the Pax3 gene. Interestingly, mutations in
Pax3 in humans result in Waardenburg syndrome which is characterized by
deafness and eye defects while mutations in Pax6 also result in severe eye
defects such as aniridia (for review see Latchman, 1996).
Hence the Pax proteins play a particularly critical role in the development
of the nervous system. In addition, however, they also play a role in other
tissues with mice lacking functional Pax6 showing abnormalities in the devel-
opment of the pancreas as well as of the nervous system (Sander et al., 1997)
while, as discussed in Chapter 7 (section 7.2.1), Pax3 is involved in activating
the expression of the muscle determining factor, MyoD.