(Yasui et al., 2002) (see section 1.2.1). This provides a link between the looping
process and chromatin remodelling/gene regulation and suggests that such
remodelling processes can target the large regions of DNA (20–80 000 bases
of DNA) contained in individual loops.
The histone molecules which play a key role in chromatin structure are subject
to a number of post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, ubi-
quitination or acetylation (f or reviews see Strahl and Allis, 2000; Wu and
Grunstein, 2000; Jenuwein and Allis, 2001; Felsenfeld and Groudine, 2003).
In particular, the addition of an acetyl group to a free amino group in lysine
residues in the histone molecule reduces its net positive charge. Such acety-
lated forms of the histones have been found preferentially in active or poten-
tially active genes where the chromatin is less tightly packed. Moreover,
treatments which enhance histone acetylation, such as addition of sodium
butyrate to cultured cells, result in a less tightly packed chromatin structure
and the activation of previously silent cellular genes. This suggests that hyper-
acetylation of histones could play a causal role in producing the more open
chromatin structure characteristic of active or potentially active genes.
Hence, activati on of gene expression could be achieved by factors with
histone acetyltransferase activity which were able to acetylate histones and
hence open up the chromatin structure, whereas inhibition of gene expres-
sion would be achieved by histone deacetylases which would have the opposite
effect (Fig. 1.4). Most interestingly, rec ent studies have identified both com-
ponents of the basal transcriptional complex and specific activating transcrip-
tion factors with histone acetyltransferase activity as well as specific inhibitory
transcription factors with histone deacetylase activity (for review see Brown et
al., 2000). These findings, which link studies on modulation of chromatin
structure with those on activating and inhibitory transcription factors, are
discussed further in later chapters.
It is clear, therefore, that histone acetylation plays a key role in regulating
chromatin structure. However, in the last few years it has become increasingly
clear that other histone modifications, such as methylation, phosphorylation
or the addition of the small protein, ubiquitin (ubiquitination) are also
involved in this process and that these modifications interact with one another
and with acetylation. Thus, for example, demethylation of the lysine amino
acid at posit ion 9 in histone H3 facilitates phosphorylation of serine 10 and
acetylation of lysine 14 of H3 leading to opening of the chromatin and gene
activation (Paro, 2000) (Fig. 1.5). Such interaction can also occur between
modifications on one his tone molecule and those on another. Thus, ubiqui-