Polycomb, 200–2, 274
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 33, 46
Polyoma, large T oncogene, 331
POMC (pro-opiomelanocortin) gene,
185, 186
PORE sequence, 96, 97
POU domain, 93, 126
POU proteins, 93–100
development of specific cell types, 99
DNA-binding site, 46–7, 125
mutations, 99, 293
novel, 99
regulation of developmental gene
expression, 99
POU-specific domain, 93, 125
POU transcription factors, 41
PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptor ), 297
Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) gene,
185, 186
Probes, gene cloning, 38–40
Progesterone, 253
Progesterone receptor, 109
Programmed cell death (apoptosis), 315,
Prokaryotes, 7
Prolactin gene, 185
Proline hydroxylation, 278, 279
Proline-rich activation domains, 137,
Prolyl isomerase enzymes, 318
Promoters, gene, 7–9
enhancers and, 13–14
regulatory elements, 9–12
RNA polymerase binding, 62
selective activation, 155
upstream promoter elements, 8, 9,
9–10, 15
Prophet of Pit-1, 99
Protein kinase A, 266, 267
Protein kinase C, 270
Protein kinases, TFIIH activity, 65, 68
degradation, 281–3
DNA interactions, methods of study,
inhibitory, dissociation of, 248, 268
ligand binding, 247–55
modification, 248, 268, 272
post-translational modification, 265–81
processing, 281–3
-protein interactions, 145, 160, 198,
255–65, 268, 341–2
protein-protein interactions, 69–70, 70,
purification, 34–8
regulation of synthesis, 238
synthesis from cloned genes, 42
Proteolysis, see Degradation, protein
Proto-oncogenes, cellular, 298, 314
PPRI, 109, 110
PRTF, see MCM1
PU-1, 125
Purification, of proteins, 34–8
Quenching phenomenon, 189–90
Raloxifene, 254
Rat, zinc finger proteins, 103
Rb-1, see Retinoblastoma protein
Rb-1 gene, 332
inactivation, 323, 326
Recognition helix, 83–4, 85, 111
bacteriophage proteins, 83, 86
rel oncogene, 312
Repression of transcription, 183–200
by activator degradation, 184, 190–1
direct, 183, 184, 191–200
by forming non-DNA binding complex,
indirect, 183–91
by masking of DNA binding site, 183–7
mechanisms, 184, 191–2
by quenching activator function,
Retinoblastoma anti-oncoprotein, 62
Retinoblastoma protein (Rb-1), 314,
322–7, 332
acetylation, 325
E2F interaction, 189, 193, 270
inhibiting effect, 322
phosphorylation, 270, 323–5
repressive activity, 189
targets, 322–6
Retinoblastomas, 322
Retinoic acid, 253