9.4.2 p53
The gene encoding the 53 kilo-dalton protein kn own as p53 is mutated in a
very wide variety of human tumours, especially carcinomas (for review see Ko
and Prives, 1996; Levine, 1997; Vogelstein et al., 2000; Haupt et al., 2002;
Sharpless and DePinho, 2002). In normal cells expression of this protein is
induced by agents which cause DNA damage and its over-expression results in
growth arrest of cells containing such damage or their death by the process of
programmed cell death (apoptosis). Hence p53 has been called the ‘guardian
of the genome’ (Lane, 1992), which allows cells to proliferate only if they have
intact undamaged DNA. This would prevent the development of tumours
containing cells with mutations in their DNA and the inactivat ion of the
p53 gene by mutation would therefore result in an enhanced rate of tumour
formation. In agreement with this idea, mice in which the p53 gene has been
inactivated do not show any gross abnormalities in normal dev elopment but
do exhibit a very high rate of tumour formation, leading to early death (for
review see Berns, 1994).
The molecular analysis of the p53 gene product showed that it contains a
DNA binding domain and a region capable of activating transcription. The
majority of the mutations in p53 which occur in human tumours are located in
the DNA binding domain (Friend, 1994; Anderson and Tegtme yer, 1995).
These mutations result in a failure of the mutant p53 protein to bind to
DNA, indicating that this ability is crucial for the ability of the normal p53
protein to regulate cellular growth and suppress cancer.
The p53 protein therefore functions, at least in part, by activating the
expression of genes whose protein products act to inhibit cellular growth
(Fig. 9.25a). The absence of functional p53 either due to gene deletion (Fig.
9.25b) or to its inactivation by mutation (Fig. 9.25c) results in a failure to
express these genes leading to uncontrolled growth.
In addition, functional p53 can also be prevented from activating gene
transcription by interaction with the MDM2 oncoprotein (Fig. 9.25d). Thus
MDM2 masks the activation domain of p53 preventing it activating transcrip-
tion (Fig. 9.26a). Moreover, MDM2 when bound to p53 also actively inhibits
transcription by interacting with the basal transcriptional complex to reduce
its activity (Thut et al., 1997) (Fig. 9.26b).
The major inhibitory effect of the interaction of MDM2 with p53, however,
is that it results in the rapid degradation of p53. Thus, MDM2 causes the
addition of ubiquitin residues to p53, thereby promoting its degradation
(Haupt et al., 1997; for review see Lane and Hall, 1997) (Fig. 9.26c). Hence,
several of the different inhibitory mechanisms, discussed in Chapter 6, are
involved in the inhibitory effect of MDM2 on p53 (Fig. 9.26) (f or review see