helix and leucine zipper elements (see Chapter 4, section 4.5) and the ability
to activate target promoters in co-transfection assays. Despite exhaustive
efforts, however, no DNA sequence to which the Myc protein binds could
be defined, rendering its mechanism of action uncertain.
The solution to this problem was provided by the work of Blackwood and
Eisenman (1991) who identified a novel protein, Max, which can form hetero-
dimers with the Myc protein via the helix-loop-helix motif present in both
proteins. Myc/Max heterodimers can bind to DNA and regulate transcription,
whereas Myc/Myc homodimers cannot do so (for reviews see Grandori et al.,
2000; Baudino and Cleveland, 2001) (Fig. 9.19). This effect evidently parallels
the requirement of the Fos protein for dimerization with Jun in order to bind
with high affinity to AP1 sites (see section 9.3.1).
The Max protein therefore plays a critical role in allowing the DNA binding
of Myc and the structure of a Myc/Max heterodim er bound to DNA has
recently been defined (Nair and Burley, 2003). Moreover, the ability to inter-
act with Max, bind to DNA and modulate gene expression is critical for the
ability of the Myc protein to transform since mutations in Myc which abolish
its ability to heterodimerize with Max also abolish its transf orming ability.
Hence, as was previously speculated, the Myc protein is a transcription factor
whose over-expression causes transformation, presumably via the activation of
genes whose protein products are required for cellular growth (for reviews see
Zornig and Evan, 1996; Grandori and Eisenman, 1997; Levens, 2002).
Interestingly, the Max protein does not appear to represent a passive part-
ner whi ch merely serves to del iver Myc to the DNA of target genes. Rather it
plays a key role in regulating the activity of target gen es containing the appro-
priate bin ding site. Thus, it has been shown that, whereas Myc/Max hetero-
dimers can activate transcription, Max/Max homodimers can bind to the
same site and weakly repress transcription. Moreover, Max can also hetero-
dimerize with another member of the helix-loop-helix family, known as Mad,
to form a strong repressor of transcription (for review see Bernards, 1995)
(Fig. 9.20).
Figure 9.19
Both Myc/Max
heterodimers and Max/
Max homodimers can
bind to DNA whereas
Myc/Myc homodimers