Normally, anti-oncogenes are identified on the basis of their inactivation in
specific human cancers and their functional role subsequently characterized.
For some time only three anti- oncogene products were known to be transcrip-
tion factors namely the p53 and Rb-1 proteins discussed in previous sections
and the Wilms’ tumour gene product (for review see Hastie, 2001).
More recently, however, other anti-oncogene products have also been
implicated in transcriptional control. Thus, while the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2
anti-oncogenes, which are mutated in many cases of familial breast cancer,
appear to function primarily in controlling the repair of damaged DNA, there
is also evidence that they may influence transcription. For example, both
BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 contain regions which can act as activation domains
and stimulate transcription (for review see Marx, 1997) (for discussion of
such domains see Chapter 5, section 5.2). Moreover, BRCA-1 appears to be
a component of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme which also contains RNA
polymerase II and basal transcription factors (see Chapter 3, section 3.5.2)
again suggesting that this factor is involved in transcriptional control (Scully
et al., 1997).
In contrast to these features suggesting that BRCA-1 can influence tran-
scription rates within the nucleus, the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) anti-
oncogene, which is mutated in most human colon tumours (for review see
Moon and Miller, 1997), appears to influence transcription indirectly. Thus
APC acts by interacting with a protein known as -catenin which is involved
both in cell adhesion and also acts as a transcription factor (for review see
Peifer, 1997). This interact ion between APC and -catenin results in the
export of -catenin to the cytoplasm and its rapid degradation (Fig. 9.38a)
(Rosin-Abersfeld et al., 2000).
In normal cells, specific secreted proteins known as WNT proteins (or
wingless proteins after the first member of the family which was discovered
in Drosophila) activate a kinase enzyme, glycogen synthase kinase, and this
kinase phosphorylates and thereby stabilizes -catenin preventing it from
being degraded (for review see Hunter, 1997; Nu sse, 1997; Polakis, 2000;
Taipale and Beachy, 2001). The -catenin then moves to the nucleus and
interacts with the LEF-1 transcription factor discussed in Chapter 1 (section
1.3.6) and stimulates its ability to activate transcription (Fig. 9.38b). One of
the genes activated by the LEF-1/-catenin complex is that encoding the Pitx2
transcription factor which, in turn, activates the cyclin D2 gene, thereby
stimulating cellular proliferation (Kioussi et al., 2002).
In a normal situation, therefore, this ability of -catenin to interact with
LEF-1 and stimulate its activity, is tightly regulated by the presence or absence