The protein produced in this way has similar activity to the natural protein,
being capable of binding to DNA in footprinting or mobility shift assays (see
for example, Kadonaga et al., 1987) and of stimulating the transc ription of
appropriate DNAs containing its binding site when added to a cell free tran-
scription system (see for example Mueller et al., 1990).
Moreover, once a particular activity has been identified in a protein pro-
duced in this way, it is possible to analyse the features of the protein which
produce this activity in a way that would not be possible using the factor
purified from cells which normally express it. Thus, because the cDNA
clone of the factor can be readily cut into fragments and each fragment
expressed as a protein in isolation, particular features exhibited by the intact
protein can readily be mapped to a particular region. Using the approach
outlined in Figure 2.16 for example, it has proved possible to map the DNA
binding abilities of specific transcription factors such as the octamer binding
proteins Oct-1 (Sturm et al., 1987) and Oct-2 (Clerc et al., 1988) to a specific
short region of the protein. Once this has been done, particular bases in the
DNA encoding the DNA binding domain of the factor can then be mutated so
as to alter its amino acid sequence and the effect of these mutations on DNA
binding can be assessed as before by expressing the mutant protein and
measuring its ability to bind to DNA.
Approaches of this type have proved particularly valuable in defining DNA
binding motifs present in many factors and in analysing how differences in the
protein sequence of related factors define which DNA sequence they bind.
This is discussed in Chapter 4.
One other piece of information to emerge from these studies is that the
binding to DNA of a small fragment of the factor does not normally result in
the activation of transcription. Thus, a sixty amino acid region of the yeast
transcription factor GCN4 can bind to D NA in a sequence specific manner
but does not activate transcription of genes bearing its bindin g site (Hope and
Struhl, 1986). Although DNA binding is necessary for transcription therefore,
it is not sufficient. This indicates that transcription factors have a modular
structure in which the DNA binding domain is distinct from another domain
of the protein which mediates transcriptional activation.
The identification of the activation domain in a particular factor is compli-
cated by the fact that DNA binding is necessary prior to activation. Hen ce the
activation domain cannot be identified simply by expressing fragments of the
protein and monitoring their activity. Rather the various regions of the cDNA
encoding the factor must each be linked to the region encoding the DNA
binding domain of another factor and the hybrid proteins produced. The
ability of the hybrid factor to activate a target gene bearing the DNA binding
site of the factor supplying the DNA binding domain is then assessed