Chapter 14. Forecasting, planning and programming of the territo-
rial development ...............................351
14.1. Formation of system of the territorial forecasting,
planning and programming ........................352
14.2. Task of providing compatibility between approaches
of the center and regions towards territorial forecasting,
planning and programming ........................355
14.3. Stages and algorithms of the territorial forecasting and
planning ......................................365
14.4. Use of economic and mathematics’ modeling during
forecasting of parameters of the country’s development
within territorial aspect ..........................368
14.5. Organization of strategic planning and programming
at the level of the subjects of the Federation and muni-
cipal institutions ................................372
Chapter 15. Forecasting and strategic planning of the foreign trade
activity ......................................380
15.1. Methodology of forecasting the world market and
foreign trade activity ............................380
15.2. Forecasting of the world economy’s development .......391
15.3. Forecasting of development of the foreign trade liaisons
of Russia ......................................402
15.4. Strategy of development of the foreign trade liaisons of
Russia ........................................405
Chapter 16. Foreign experience of the long-term forecasting and
strategic planning ..............................410
16.1. Foreign experience of technological forecasting ........410
16.2. Experience of the developed countries in forecasting,
planning and programming ........................438
16.3. Economic programming and financial planning at the
Federal Republic of Germany ......................457
16.4. Features of strategic planning in France..............460
16.5. Role of economic planning in Japan .................463
16.6. Chinese experience of strategic planning .............468
16.7. Long-term forecasting of the Indian economic and
social development ..............................487
Annex 1. Learning plan and the program «Forecasting, strategic
planning and national programming» ..................505