Chapter 10. Forecasting and strategic planning of the economic
growth and structural dynamics....................237
10.1. Economic growth and structural changes – basic tasks
of the macro-economic regulation...................237
10.2. Methodology of forecasting of the macroeconomic
development ...................................245
10.3. Strategic planning of the economic growth............254
10.4. Long-term forecasting of the economic structure’s
dynamics ......................................258
Chapter 11. Strategic planning of the defense-industrial complex...271
11.1. Methodological basis of the strategic planning of the
defense-industrial complex ........................287
11.2. Disorganization of the strategic planning of the defense-
industrial complex as a result of market reforms .......281
11.3. Revealing a system of strategic planning and manage-
ment of the defense-industrial complex ..............289
Chapter 12. Ecological forecasting, strategic planning and program-
ming of development of the energy and raw materials
sector of the economy ...........................299
12.1. Forecasting and strategic planning of ecological
dynamics ......................................300
12.2. Forecasting and strategic planning of the Russian eco-
nomy provision by natural resources ................307
12.3. Forecasting, strategic planning and programming of the
energy and raw materials sector development...........309
12.4. Energy strategy of Russia .........................317
Chapter 13. Forecasting, strategic planning and programming of
the agricultural and food complex and consumer’s
sector of the economy ...........................323
13.1. Concept, composition and dynamics of the agricultu-
ral and food complex ............................323
13.2. Methodological basis of forecasting and strategic
planning of the agricultural and food complex .........325
13.3. Trends of the Russian agricultural and food complex
development ...................................328
13.4. Strategy of renewal and increase of competitiveness
of the Russian agricultural and food complex..........334
13.5. State programs of agricultural development and regula-
tion of markets of the agricultural production, resour-
ces and food ...................................337
13.6. Forecasting and strategic planning of development of
consumer’s sector of the Russian economy ............341