The Dynamics of Systems of Interacting Rigid Bodies 7
From the existing literature it is obvious that these types of constraints are more difficult to deal with
and a lot of attention is required in their use. Many times they lead to falacies [41] and they have been
the cause of many discussions. It has also been shown that using the nonholonomic constraints with
different variational principles (D’ Alembert, Hamilton, etc.) can lead to different solutions (Vakonomic
mechanics [22–25]). In our formalism we deal with elementary (not generalized) entities like forces and
torques applied on each body. Initially it appears as if there is no better way to introduce a force or a
torque from a nonholonomic constraint in any modeling formalism. The forces and the torques from a
nonholonomic constraint are frictional, but they produce no work. The virtual work produced by these
forces and torques is of third order (δx
) in the related displacement [18], and these forces and torques
are acting on the body to keep the constraint valid. This is equivalent to requiring that the forces and the
torques act in the direction of the 1-form representing the nonholonomic constraint (Burke [14]). This
interpretation allows the introduction of Lagrange multipliers in a nonvariational framework, and a force
or torque in the direction of the 1-form ω should be of the form F = λω.
Next, consider a procedure where the objective is to model the dynamics of a set of interacting bodies.
We begin by considering each body separately and all the forces and torques that are acting on the body,
including applied and reaction forces and torques. Then, because of the existence of constraints, each body
is actually moving on a submanifold of the original configuration space defined by a natural injection j .
The resulting forces and torquesare, as we pointed out earlier, l
(F +T). The constraint forces and torques
disappear from the dynamics on the resulting submanifold because l
) = 0. Thus, in considering
the dynamics on the submanifold, we should not include the torques and forces that result because of the
constraints at the initial stage of the modeling. What is important, though, is being able to distinguish
between constraint forces and torques and the other exerted forces and torques caused from friction, for
example. These other exerted forces and torques do have an effect on the dynamics on the submanifold. In
the case of contact between two bodies for example, friction forces can be introduced in the direction of
the common tangent plane. In the reduction process of the initial configuration space, this friction force
will remain present. The effect of these types of forces can dramatically alter the behavior of a rigid body,
producing interesting phenomena; for example, in the case of contact interaction, they can cause rolling
phenomenon. To control a system using a model that includes these types of forces and torques, we need to
introduce them as measurable quantities in the model. Certain assumptions can be used a priori for special
cases, like pure sliding motion. However, there are other situations where the cause of a change from one
type of motion to another, with little or no a priori information about the frictional forces and torques,
is unknown. Neglecting information on how the forces and torques can affect the qualitative properties
of the motion can be disastrous from a modeling perspective. On the other hand, trying to describe the
dynamics using principles like the D’Alembert-Lagrange or Hamiltonian formulations can result in an
ambiguous model, as in the case of nonholonomic constraints, see, for example [4,22–25]. Next we present
a systematic procedure for modelling the dynamics of a set of interacting bodies using the configuration
space reduction method. This is done in the context of the above discussion, regarding the forces and the
torques that are involved as a result of the interaction. Several examples are used to illustrate the approach.
7.10 Example 3: The Dynamics of the Interaction
of a Disk and a Link
The constrained configuration space of the disk is M
, a two-dimensional submanifold of IE(3) × B
denote the surface of the disk and let B
denote the surface of the link. The coordinates of IE(2) × B
are {z
, z
, θ, φ}, and for the submanifold they are {
θ}. In a similar way the constrained configuration
space of the link is M
, a two-dimensional submanifold of IE(2) × B
. The coordinates of M
are {
and for IE(2) × B
they are {y
, y
, θ
, τ
The modeling methodology requires deriving Newton’s and Euler’s equations for each body separately,
with the external and the reaction forces and torques included as shown in Figure 7.5. At this point, we