Material Selection and Fabrication
depends upon an amorphous oxide film. It is inert to practically all organic and inorganic
compounds at temperatures under 302°F
The only exceptions to this are hydrofluoric
acid and fuming sulfuric acid. Equipment made of tantalum includes heat exchangers, condens-
ers, spiral coils, U-tubes, side-arm reboilers, and distillation columns. References 235-242
provide either specific or general information on tantalum.
Corrosion Resistance
Tantalum exhibits excellent resistance to most
of corrosion. Its general corrosion rate is
extremely low. The passive oxide film virtually prevents pitting, crevice and intergranular
corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Tantalum is cathodic in a galvanic cell with all con-
struction metals and liberates hydrogen. Hydrogen is rapidly absorbed by tantalum with result-
ing embrittlement. Hydrogen embrittlement is the single most important cause of failure of
tantalum [235]. Therefore, it is
utmost importance to avoid applications in which there may
be a cathodic reaction [242]. Hydrogen embrittlement of tantalum is discussed next in detail.
31.2 Hydrogen Embrittlement
Even though tantalum does not react with molecular hydrogen below
(350"C), it can
absorb atomic hydrogen under persistently aggressive conditions, causing embrittlement and
failure even when the corrosion rate is low. To protect equipment from exposure to atomic
hydrogen, tantalum should be electrically insulated from all other metals. General practice to
prevent hydrogen embrittlement is to attach a small amount of platinum
to tantalum
by spot welding, electroplating, or rubbing with platinum wool. Platinum is effective because
it is cathodic to tantalum [238].
31.3 Resistance to Chemicals
Tantalum has excellent corrosion resistance to a wide variety
acids, alcohols, chlorides,
sulfates, and other chemicals. Tantalum should be used for equipment handling hot concen-
trated hydrochloric, sulfuric, or phosphoric acid. The metal oxidizes in air above about
(299"C), and it is attacked by hydrofluoric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids, and by chlorine and
fluorine gases above
31.4 Product Forms and Cost
Tantalum and its alloys are available in all common product forms, including foil, strip, sheet,
plate, wire, rod, bar, ingot tubes and welded tubes, and clad plates.
The initial material cost is higher than for glass, graphite, fluorocarbons, or other metals.
However, when lifetime cost is considered, tantalum is economical, primarily due to its longer
life, maintenance-free performance, and considerably reduced downtime. Primarily due to its
high initial cost, tantalum is used most often only where other materials fail or will not perform
at all or where very high product purity is to
maintained, as in processing of pharmaceuticals
and the preparation of cosmetics, soaps, perfumes, etc. [235].
31.5 Performance Versus Other Materials
Tantalum is often compared to glass in regard to corrosion resistance. Of all the metals, tanta-
lum is considered most like glass in corrosion resistance, and due to this property it is used in
glass and glass-lined equipment [242]. However, unlike glass, tantalum has good resistance to
brittle fracture and failure due to vibration and shock. Its strength and rigidity are similar to
that of steel, while its machinability and formability are similar to copper.