Material Selection and Fabrication
should be avoided since the protective film may not be regenerated if damaged. General meth-
ods to improve corrosion resistance of titanium in a reducing environment are suggested by
Schutz et al. [213]. Such measures include the following:
Alloying with metals such as palladium, nickel, andor molybdenum.
Addition of inhibitor to the environment, such as oxidizing metal cations, oxidizing anions,
precious metal ions, oxidizing organic compounds; adding oxidizing species (inhibitors)
to the reducing environment is to permit oxide film stabilization; additions of minute
water to certain anhydrous environments is to maintain passivity.
Precious metal surface treatments; this includes precious metals such as platinum and palla-
dium that have been ion implanted, ion plated, or diffused thermally.
Anodizing and thermal oxidation:
As stated earlier, titanium relies on the presence
an inert
surface oxide film for its corrosion resistance, especially where hydrogen uptake is of
concern. Therefore, surface treatment processes such as anodizing and thermal oxide treat-
ment are practised to thicken and toughen the oxide film, which
turn will improve the
metal’s corrosion resistance.
Anodic protection by impressed current or galvanic coupling with
more noble metal in order
to maintain the surface oxide film.
Surface pickling
HN03-HF solution to remove smeared surface iron.
Metallic coatings.
Noble alloy contact or by the applications of their oxides such as Ni, Cu, Fe, and
titanium alloy surfaces, which is effective for crevice corrosion.
Resistance to Chemicals and Solutions
Titanium resists corrosion in seawater, brines, aqueous chlorides, organic and oxidizing acids,
and neutral and inhibited reducing conditions better than other metals. Titanium is unique
its resistance to chlorides. Titanium, being immune to corrosion
wet chlorine, would face
little maintenance problems. Since the heat transfer rates of titanium are
much better than
glass, the titanium coolers require only about 12-15% the space to do the same job as glass
exchangers for chlorine applications. High corrosion resistance to oxidizing and chloride solu-
tion led to widespread use in marine, chemical process industries, power plants, and petrochem-
ical industries.
Titanium alloys are attacked severally by red fuming nitric acid or nitrogen tetroxide.
Titanium and its alloys are sensitive
reducing acids, and the breakdown of the surface oxide
films can take place when the temperature andor concentration of pure acid exceeds certain
values. Typical reducing acids includes hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydroiodic, hydrofluoric,
phosphoric, sulfuric, and sulfamic acids. In some acids that do attack titanium, the addition of
small amounts
an oxidizing acid such as nitric or salts (such as copper sulfate) inhibits
Resistance to Waters
Titanium exhibits good corrosion resistance to fresh water, industrial cooling waters including
raw seawater, brackish estuary water, and polluted water. Titanium (like many other metals)
is subject to the formation of mineral scales when water temperatures are excessive [220]. It
resists all forms of corrosive attack by fresh water and steam to temperatures as high as 600°F
(316°C) and corrosion by seawater to temperatures as high as 500°F (260°C) [219]. The pres-
ence of sulfides in seawater does not affect the corrosion resistance.