Material Selection and Fabrication
relatively rapid to avoid the formation of a sigma phase. Avoidance of prolonged time in this
temperature range will usually result in a weld metal containing very small amounts of sigma
phase, which is generally harmless. Like sensitization, precipitation of intermetallic phases can
be corrected by solution annealing. In newer varieties of austenitic stainless steels, namely,
superaustenitics, alloying with nitrogen retards sigma-phase formation and allows for the pro-
duction of thicker plates
Passive Versus Active Behavior.
In most natural environments, stainless steel will remain in
a passive state. When exposed to conditions that remove the passive film, stainless steels are
subject to the active state. Change to an active state usually occurs when chloride concentra-
tions are high, as in seawaters or in reducing solutions, or when there is oxygen starvation.
Oxygen starvation occurs when there is no free access to oxygen, such as
crevices and
beneath deposits.
Resistance to Chemicals.
Stainless steel alloys have excellent resistance to nitric acid, particu-
larly to all concentrations and temperatures. Type 304 is most widely used in nitric acid plants.
handle sulfuric acid without inhibitors, Type
stainless steel has limited application.
Stainless Steel
While Type 304
18Cr-8Ni) alloys have been satisfactorily used
in fresh water, the MO-containing Type 316 is preferred in saltwater. Variable results have
been obtained with Type
in seawater. In the case of seawater-cooled condenser tubes,
satisfactory use was obtained where tubes were cleaned regularly
prevent fouling.
However, the alloy content of Type 316 was found to be too lean to prevent pitting and crevice
stagnant seawater. This is because of the breakdown of the passive film by the
chloride ions
the seawater under stagnanaow velocity conditions.
Resistance to Various
In general, the corrosion and oxidation resistance
of stainless steels increases with chromium content, and the materials are used in a wide range
of aggressive media in the chemical and process industries. They are resistant to uniform
corrosion, erosion and erosion-corrosion, and high-pH solution
1091. However, under certain
conditions, stainless steel are attacked by localized corrosion forms.
Galvanic Corrosion.
Consideration should be given to when stainless steel is connected
to a more noble metal. However,
the stainless steel
passive in the environment, galvanic
corrosion may not take place. The most important aspect for the prevention of galvanic corro-
sion of stainless steel
to select the weldments and fasteners
adequate corrosion resistance
in the bulk of the material andor possessing larger exposed area.
Localized Forms of Corrosion.
Under certain conditions, stainless steels are susceptible
to highly localized forms of corrosion. For stainless steels, almost
of equipment failures
in the chemical process industries are due to (1) pitting corrosion,
crevice corrosion, and (3)
stress corrosion cracking
141. Additionally, they also fail by intergranular corrosion.
Operating parameters and environmental factors such as pH, temperature, and chloride and
oxygen levels greatly affect alloy performance. Various forms of
localized corrosion are
discussed next.
Pitting Corrosion. The corrosion resistance
of stainless steels relies on the stability and
the maintenance of continuity of passive films on the exposed surfaces. The stability of the
passive film to resist pitting initiation is controlled mainly by chromium and molybdenum
contents in stainless steels. Another element that improves resistance to pitting and crevice
corrosion is nitrogen
100,1151. Nitrogen addition is considerably cheaper than molybdenum
steels. The breakdown of the passive films takes place due to imperfections in the films,
mechanical damages, inhomogeneities in the metal surface such as inclusions or surface scale,