Corrosion Monitoring Techniques
Several techniques are used in corrosion monitoring, and the techniques are generally classified
as either online or offline. Various online and offline techniques are described next.
Online Monitoring Techniques
Online corrosion monitoring is conducted to assess the corrosivity of the process stream and
for detecting changes that may occur in operation. Online corrosion data are obtained from
probes or sensors inserted into the system at accessible points that reproduce the particular
area of interest. Various online monitoring techniques include corrosion coupons, electrical
resistance principle, pitting potential, linear polarization principle and Tafel plots, hydrogen
test probe, galvanic measurements, pH measurements, dimensional changes through online
ultrasonic testing, radiography, and acoustic emission technique
Some of these techniques
are discussed next.
Corrosion Coupons. The most common online monitoring technique is with corrosion cou-
pons. Corrosion coupons can be made in any size or shape, such that they are retrievable from
process equipment without shutting down the unit. Normally, the corrosion coupons are care-
fully weighed before insertion and weighed after retrieval.
Weight Change. When results of other techniques are in question, they are usually verified
with weight loss testing. However, weight
determination would give misleading informa-
tion in the case of localized attack such as pitting.
Diffusion. Atomic hydrogen can diffuse into steel and form molecules.
diffusion is detected, it shows imminent danger due to hydrogen damagehydrogen attack.
Hydrogen diffusion can be measured using either a hydrogen probe (pressure measurement) or
a hydrogen monitoring system (electrochemical).
Electrochenzicnl Techniques. Electrochemical techniques are particularly useful in determin-
ing the corrosion rate that is actually happening in a metal at any given time. The three tech-
niques most often used involve
electrical resistance principles using zero-resistance amme-
polarization curves, and
linear polarization curves. In the electrical resistance
technique, the change in resistance of a thin wire under consideration due to the corrosion
process is measured. Polarization curves may be determined galvanostatically, potentiostati-
cally, or potentiodynamically. Anodic polarization measurements (where the electrode potential
is changed in the positive direction to show current variations over a wide range of oxidizing
potentials) are used primarily to determine critical pitting potentials, or breakdown potentials
for localized corrosion. The principle of linear polarization technique, now referred to as the
polarization technique, is as follows: The amount of externally applied current needed
change the corrosion potential of a freely corroding specimen by a few millivolts (approxi-
mV) is measured. This current is related to the corrosion rate of the sample; that is,
a linear relationship exists between the applied current and the resulting potential. If the metal
is corroding rapidly, a large external current is needed
change its potential, and vice versa.
This is the basis for the precise determination of corrosion rate.
Other methods include Tafel extrapolation (where the linear portion of the anodic or ca-
thodic polarization curve is extrapolated back to the corrosion potential to locate the current
density associated with corrosion rate at that potential), and current measurements at constant
potential (where corrosion rate is monitored for a given oxidizing condition)
Pitting Potential. The potential at which pit initiation occurs is called the
pitting potential. Pitting potential is determined by electrochemical techniques, which consist