ized corrosion. Polarization techniques and critical potentials are used to measure the suscepti-
bility to pitting and crevice corrosion of metals and alloys in a chloride solution
Sometimes material corrodes, producing an adherent corrosion product that protects it from
further corrosion. Such (passivated) material corrodes very little in a specific environment,
even though it would otherwise corrode considerably
For example, a look at the galvanic
series will indicate that aluminum should corrode at a high rate. In practice, however,
found that aluminum is highly resistant to attack in most of the media except halides. This
phenomenon is known as passivation. Materials such as nickel, titanium, zirconium, chromium,
and stainless steel owe their corrosion resistance to natural passivation.
Passivity can be understood through a study of polarization diagrams (schematic) pre-
sented by Roser et al.
The anodic polarization curves of passive alloys shown
are distinctly different from those of nonpassive alloys. Comparison of anodic polarization
curves for passive and nonpassive materials is shown in Fig. 5d. Passivation
a result of
marked anodic polarization whereby a barrier of thin protective film, either metal oxide or
chemisorbed oxygen, is formed between the metal and the environment, preventing further
contact with the electrolyte. In the case of iron, when more oxygen reaches the metal surface
than can be used in the cathodic reaction, a protective passive film is able to form
the attainment of passivity is thus most important
avoiding accelerated corrosion. Whether
a given alloy will be passive in a given situation depends on both the anodic and cathodic
polarization effects.
Passive alloys are widely used as corrosion-resistant materials for the construction of heat
exchangers. The corrosion resistance of passive alloys depend on the chromium content, chlo-
ride and oxygen content in the environment, and the temperature
Attainment of passivity
in a given situation depends on the relative value of all factors rather than on any one of them.
For example, high chromium aids passivity, low temperature aids passivity, depassivating ions
such as chlorides hinder passivity, and oxygen aids passivity.
Passive material corrodes very little in a specific environment,
even though
would otherwise corrode considerably
Conversely, alloys that commonly
exhibit passivity are invariably quite active in the nonpassive state. Some elements break down
passive films, causing the metal to corrode where the film is discontinuous. Chlorine ions, for
example, destroy the passivity of aluminum, iron, and the stainless steels, causing pitting corro-
sion. Therefore, the users of passive alloys should be particularly on guard for pitting, stress
corrosion cracking, sensitization, and oxygen starvation type corrosion
Factors Affecting Corrosion
a Material in an Environment
The corrosion process is affected by various parameters:
Environment factors such as concentration of chemicals, pH, velocity, impurities and sus-
pended matter, and temperature of the medium.
Source of heat, if any. If the environment is heated through the material being selected,
the effects of heat transfer and surface temperature may be the controlling factors.
Material factors like composition, alloying elements, passivity, tendency for fouling, etc.
Design conditions and geometry of the joints, like gasketed surfaces, crevices, stagnant
areas, and U-bends.
Fabrication techniques: corrosion due to welding, brazing, soldering, and heat treatment.
Factors influencing corrosion is shown schematically in Fig.
Only the environmental factors
are discussed next. The other factors are discussed while discussing various forms of corrosion.